#!/bin/bash echo $"Running command to install openssl, enter your root password" su -c 'yum -y install openssl' DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )/openvpn" cd ~ echo ${DIR} if [ ! -d "${DIR}" ] ; then echo $"Creating openvpn directory" mkdir "$DIR" echo $"Changing to openvpn directory" cd "$DIR" fi echo $"Getting AmahiHDAClient.crt" wget http://dl.amahi.org/vpn/AmahiHDAClient.crt echo $"Getting AmahiHDAClient.key" wget http://dl.amahi.org/vpn/AmahiHDAClient.key echo $"Getting ca-cert.crt" wget http://dl.amahi.org/vpn/ca-cert.crt echo $"Running command to make export file, enter amahi for the password" openssl pkcs12 -export -in AmahiHDAClient.crt -inkey AmahiHDAClient.key -certfile ca-cert.crt -name Amahi -out certs.p12