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OpenVPN Application Layer Software (ALS), formerly know as Adito, is a web-based SSL VPN server written in Java. It has a browser-based AJAX UI which allows easy access to intranet services. Once installed and configured correctly, you will be able to access all your server files and the HDA (to include applications) using the FREE dynamic DNS provided by Amahi.

NOTE: This SSL-Explorer Administrators Guide may come in handy for those interested in more documentation. Although this not specifically updated for OpenVPN ALS, it is fairly accurate.

There is an Adito standalone agent client for Windows.

Configuration Options

Router (Settings)
In order to use (substitute your user name for user) to access Adito VPN from any computer using the web browser, create a Port Forward or Virtual Server rule. This is a required step for the Map HDA Folders and Apps options to work from outside your network.

On a D-LINK WBR-2310 router, set a Virtual Server setting to forward port 443 public and 4443 private to the HDA server IP address using TCP traffic type.

Map HDA folders (Network Places)

  • Login as administrator
  • Select Network Places (middle left menu)
  • Select Create Network Places (upper right menu)
  • Enter desired Name and Description.
  • Check Add to Favorites and select Next
  • Choose Local File from drop down
  • Enter path to the folder you want mapped and select next
  • Select Everyone, select Add, and select Next
  • Select Finish and select Exit Wizard

NOTE: You can add any folder on the server using the steps above. The default Amahi folders (Music, Docs, etc) have already been added.

Map HDA Apps Option 1 (Web Forwards Tunneled Web)

  • Login as administrator
  • Select Web Forwards (middle left menu)
  • Select Create Web Forward
  • Select Tunneled Web and select Next
  • Enter Application Name and Description.
  • Check Add to Favorites and select Next
  • Enter http://application (i.e. HDA, Opendb, etc) for Destination URL and select Next. Applications that use a port other than 80, you need to specify that as part of the URL, for example http://application:8069
  • Select Everyone, select Add, and select Next
  • Select Finish and select Exit Wizard
  • Keep in mind not all HDA apps will work outside your network
  • This method makes use of Adito Agent (java web agent)
  • Each time the agent is executed, the SSL tunnel uses a random port (may not work with firewalled client network)

Map HDA Apps Option 2 (Web Forwards Replacement Proxy)

  • Login as administrator
  • Select Web Forwards (middle left menu)
  • Select Create Web Forward
  • Select Create Replacement Proxy and select Next
  • Enter Application Name and Description.
  • Check Add to Favorites and select Next
  • Enter http://application (i.e. HDA, Opendb, etc) for Destination URL and select Next. Applications that use a port other than 80, you need to specify that as part of the URL, for example http://application:8069
  • Select Next
  • Select Everyone, select Add, and select Next
  • Select Finish and select Exit Wizard
  • Keep in mind not all HDA apps will work outside your network
  • The Adito Agent is not used, so the SSL tunnel uses only port 443.

Remote Desktop (RDP) Through OpenVPN ALS (Adito)

Download the RDP extension from here and leave it as a .zip file to upload the extension.

Credit Due

Nearly all of these instructions are taken from the work of Lars Werner. His website has images as well and may be a better source of instruction. These notes are included here so that this hard-to-come-by information is not lost. If you go there, start on "Step 2."

Installing the RDP extension

The Adito client can publish software to download and execute. Typical portable software is preferred, since clients does not always have registry write access.

The RDP Extension uses the RDPsso.exe command from Microsoft and is based on the old less secure RDP. But you are connecting through a SSL encrypted tunnel, so it is considered “safe”.

If you are not in managementconsole press the changebutton now (Third icon from the left located in the upper right of the Adito screen. If it says "Management Console" when you mouse over it, you need to click it to change into Management mode.)

  • Press “Extensions” in the “Configuration” tab (Left side menu)
  • Then press the “Upload Extension”. (Upper Right menu)
  • Press the Browse-button and select the file, press “Upload”

NOTE: The upload may take some time. Be patient.

You should now have the Microsoft RDP client installed

Creating an Application

  • Select “Application” under the Resources section of the Left Menu.
  • Press the “Create Application shortcut” (Upper Right corner)
  • Step 1: Application Extension. Select the RDP application. Press "Next."
  • Step 2: Application Details. Input the name for the client computer to which I wanted to connect and give it a short description.
  • Step 3: Application Options. Input the local ip address for that client under "hostname" (e.g. 192.168.1.x or whatever it is in your network) and leave everything else the same. The default RDP port is 3389 and is usally left alone.
(Note: You aren’t restricted to local-ips or -hosts here, you can also use internet hosts. Some people use the Adito server as the only entrypoint on their firewall)
  • Press next
  • Step 4: Application Shortcut Policy Selection. Click on "Everyone" in the left list and then click on the "Add" button. This gives permission to use the application to all users in the Everyone group.
  • Press next and look over the summary, then press Finish.

You have now published an app called whatever you called it in Step 2 to the group “Everyone”. That means that every user that you have, will gain access to this app. You can create as many applications as you need, just repeat the wizard

Java Security Considerations for RDP

Before connecting to the RDP from a remote pc, you will need to add an exception to the remote pc's Java's URL Exception List to get passed the errors. Here is how in windows:

  • Go to the Java Control Panel (On Windows Click Start and then Configure Java)
  • Click on the Security tab
  • Click on the Edit Site List button
  • Click Add in the Exception Site List window

Add url to Exception Site list Click in the empty field under the Location field to enter the URL The url to be added is the dns domain (

Another RDP Extension (Cross-Platform)

Here is another collection of RDP extensions that may fit your preferences better. Once can upload and configure these extensions almost exactly like the above.


  • "This Connection is Untrusted" in FireFox or "There is a problem with this website's security certificate." in Internet Explorer, there is no cause for alarm. Follow the guidance here.
  • Application does not start automatically. enter the following in terminal as root user:
ant -f /var/hda/web-apps/adito/server/build.xml start

Once it says "Adito started successfully" give it a a minute or so before trying to access it with your web browser.

Reference: Installing Adito (Open VPN ALS) on CentOS