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2,053 bytes added ,  01:07, 25 March 2016
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<br />The [ CUPS] web application is currently in Testing for Amahi 7 or greater. This guide is incomplete, but when finished will add allow manual adding the cups printing system to a existing hda HDA installation.
=== Initial system setup ===
Check to see if cups is installed already. It quite often is if you installed Gnome or any other programs that might have printer support.
yum -y install cups
=== Configure cups for remote access ===
Install links for local access to the Cups cups configuration website, or use whatever web browser you have if you have X installed.
yum -y install links
Navigate to the Links configuration page
SpaceBar goes down 1 page.
Enter is the same as clicking a link, or puts a check in a box.
links <nowiki>http://localhost:631== Once in links ==goto Administration Hit down arrow until on "Administration" then hit entergoto Allow Remote AdministrationHit down until the checkbox next to remote admin is highlit, then press enter"click" Save ChangesHit down until "Save Changes" is highlit, and press enter</nowiki>
=== Once in links ===
#Hit down arrow until on "Administration" then hit enter
#Hit down until the checkbox next to Allow Remote Administration is highlit, then press enter
#Hit down until "Save Changes" or "change settings" is highlighted, and press enter
#When asked for username and password use "root" and "yourownHDApassword" which was set while installing your hda. It seems that only user "root" save changes.
#Press q to exit after changes are saved.
=== Creating the webapp ===
#Go to the apps on the dashboard and install Webapps if not installed already
#Open the HDA Webapps configuration page
#Create a new webapp named cups
=== Creating the Webapp Redirect ===
Edit the config-file using a editor like "nano". Perhaps you have to install it first:
su -
yum -y install nano
Now you can edit cups
su -
nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/*cups.conf
Go down to line 5, and add this:
ProxyPass / <nowiki>http://localhost:631/</nowiki>
ProxyPassReverse / <nowiki>http://localhost:631/</nowiki>
Press CTRL+X to exit and save.
== It should look like this ==
<pre> <VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName cups
ProxyPass / http://localhost:631/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:631/
DocumentRoot /var/hda/web-apps/cups/html
<Directory "/var/hda/web-apps/cups/html">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Require all granted
ErrorLog /var/hda/web-apps/cups/logs/error_log
CustomLog /var/hda/web-apps/cups/logs/access_log combined env=!d
=== Restart httpd ===
check that /var/hda/web-apps/cups/logs exists and is owned by apache:users
Then restart httpd.
systemctl restart httpd.service
=== Testing ===
Go to a system on your network, and try going to <nowiki>http://cups</nowiki>
=== Creating If you have problems connecting to the webapp ===# Open the HDA Webapps configuration pageCUPS web UI, it may be because your DNS Server is not set correctly. Try using IP address in your browser: <nowiki>http://hdaIP_ADDRESS:631</setup?sub=webapps&tab=appnowiki> (replace IP_ADDRESS with your HDA IP address)
