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Typical problems with the VPNOpenVPN setup:
* You cannot It's not possible VPN into your network from your very own network . This is not possible and it will fail (kinda duh)* You cannot login two users simultaneously. The OpenVPN setup is single-user.* You cannot login to your network from another network with the exact same settings. This is not possible due to routing. You can probably reach your own HDA, but not other systems in the network, due to routing (the HDA has direct connection via the VPN tunnel).* Check that you have port forwarded 1194 udpUDP.
== Diagnose ==
* Is the Amahi [ OpenVPN] application installed in your HDA? (this is not required if you are on Amahi Fedora 14, but required on all later releases)
* Make sure your HDA's network IP range is different than that of the remote network. (e.g. if your HDA's IP address is 192.168.1.X, you cannot connect to it on a remote network also using 192.168.1.X)
* If you are running your HDA from a Verizon FiOS connection, you may experience strange disconnections. This may be due to the Actiontec router's small NAT table. Please see guides [ here] for instructions on how to use your own router.
* If you have a Vonage V-Portal (or perhaps other voip adapters as well), plug your router into your modem, then the v-portal into your router. Vonage tells you to put the v-portal between the modem and the router, but I was unable to connect to vpn until I moved the adapter behind the router.
== Moving to TCP ==
If you have a thing saying "HomeHDA > " then mouse over it and click edit settings. Change:
{{Text| proto udp}}
{{Text| proto tcp}}
== Blocked port 1194 ==
Sometimes port 1194 is blocked if you are behind a corporate firewall or someother some other firewall. The trick is then to use a port that is open. If you are not running https on your amahiAmahi, using port 443 is a good choice. To move to port 443, edit this file:
To move to port 443 on Amahi systems (<blockquote><u>Fedora) edit this file</u></blockquote>{{Code| gedit /etc/openvpn/amahi.conf}}
{{Code| sudo nano -w /etc/openvpn/amahi.conf}}
To move to port 443 on Amahi systems (Ubuntu) edit this file<blockquote><u>Fedora</u></blockquote>{{Code| gedit /etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf}}
{{Code| sudo nano -w /etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf}}
change the line:<br>
{{Text| port 1194}}
{{Text| port 443}}
Of course you also need to tell the client side to use port 443!
Add the following line to your client's config file
{{Text| remote <hda_username> 443}}
If for some reason the DDNS ( is not working but your control panel is updating, then add this line at the top of the config file.
{{Text| remote YOUR_IP_HERE <port>}}
Note<b>NOTE: </b> If you have a dynamic ipIP address, then you will probably need to update this everyday. If you have a static ip IP address then you are fine.
== Manually (Windows) ==
Similarly, locate the configuration file and change
{{Text|proto udp}}
{{Text| proto tcp}}
== On the Server side ==
For Amahi systems (Fedora) edit Edit this file: <blockquote><u>Fedora</u></blockquote>{{Code| gedit /etc/openvpn/amahi.conf}}
{{Code| sudo nano -w /etc/openvpn/amahi.conf}}
For Amahi systems (<blockquote><u>Ubuntu) edit this file</u></blockquote>{{Code| gedit /etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf}}
{{Code| sudo nano -w /etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf}}
{{Text| proto udp}}
{{Text| proto tcp}}
Restart both sides and you are now using openvpn OpenVPN over tcp,
and add your [ ISP] below.
* Thames Valley Communications (Groton, CT)
==Client Reports reports "TLS handshake failed" and Does Not doesn't Connect==
This is usually caused by packet corruption that may happen for some users.<br>
Follow the tutorial on "[[Prevent_SSL_Handshake_Timeouts_In_OpenVPN|Prevent SSL Handshake Timeouts In OpenVPN]]" page to fix this.
Back to the [[Troubleshooting]].
[[Category: VPN]]
