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3,438 bytes added ,  03:49, 23 June 2020
backgroundcolor = #faa|
image =Warning.png|
heading =WARNING|
message = This is recommended only for advanced users, proceed with caution.}}
===What is FlexRAID?===
[ FlexRAID] is a highly scalable and smart storage system that turns independent hard drives of various sizes, makes, and models into storage pools and storage pools into storage clouds.
Furthermore, FlexRAID is not limited to hard disks as it can pool data from all accessible sources including removable media, external storage, network shares, LUNs, disk arrays, etc.
=== Links ==='''NOTE:''' Ensure you turn off Greyhole and disable it permanently as shown in [[Greyhole#Disable_Greyhole|Greyhole Disable Section]]. THey <u>SHOULD NOT</u> been run together and could produce disastrous results. DownloadsCLI Client:{{Link|<!--}}--><pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; word-break: keep-all;"><nowiki></nowiki></pre>  
{{Link| <nowiki>}}</nowiki>
===Manual Installation Steps===Tutorials:# Create web app called flexraid# Became root user# cd <nowiki>http:/var/hda/web-apps/flexraid# Downloaded the file# Unarchived the file and moved it to html# cd html# chmod +x www./FlexRAID_Basic_Host_1.4_beta7.bin# ./FlexRAID_Basic_Host_1.4_beta7.bin# When prompted for location, I entered /home/<USERNAME>/openegg# Then manually edited the .conf file org/etcforums/httpdposts/conf.dlist/1000-flexraid173.confpage# Added a line after server lines...RedirectPermanent / http://localhost:8080# Restarted httpdwww.openegg...service httpd restart# Downloaded the sample init script from the site and modified the variables to match the path org/forums/posts/homelist/<USERNAME/nowiki>/openegg# Started flexraid...service flexraid start
===Installation===* Create a web app called '''flexraid'''* [[Open_Terminal_as_root|As root user]], do the following: cd /var/hda/web-apps/flexraid wget <nowiki></nowiki> wget <nowiki></nowiki> tar -xzpf FlexRAIDWebUI_1.4.tar.gz -d html chmod +x ./FlexRAID_Basic_Host_1.4_beta7.bin ./FlexRAID_Basic_Host_1.4_beta7.bin* Accept the EULA and when prompted for location, enter '''''/home/<USERNAME>/openegg'''''.* Edit the web app .conf file: vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/###-flexraid.conf* Add the following line after ServerAlias line: RedirectPermanent / <nowiki>http://localhost:8080</nowiki>* Restart web server: service httpd restart* Start FlexRAID and WebUI: /home/user/FLEXRAID & /var/hda/web-apps/flexraid/html/* Open web browser and navigate to: <nowiki>http://localhost:8080</nowiki>* Log in using admin/admin as user name and password.<br /> === Create Init Script (Not Working)===* To enable FlexRAID to start on boot, create the file named '''flexraid''' and insert the following text:<pre>#! /bin/sh # by wyld### BEGIN INIT INFO# Provides: FlexRAID application instance# Required-Start: $all# Required-Stop: $all# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5# Default-Stop: 0 1 6# Short-Description: starts FlexRAID app# Description: starts instance of FlexRAID app using start-stop-daemon### END INIT INFO PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/flexraid:/opt/flexraid/webui ############### EDIT ME ################## # daemon DAEMON=/home/amahi/openegg/FlexRAIDDAEDIR=/home/amahi/openegg/wDAEDIR=/var/hda/web-apps/flexraid/htmlNAME="flexraid"DESC="FlexRAID backend and webui"USER="root" LOGDIR=/var/logRUNDIR=/var/runARGS="" ############### END EDIT ME ################## test -x $DAEMON || exit 0 set -e case "$1" in start) echo "Starting $DESC: " start-stop-daemon --start --oknodo --background --chdir $DAEDIR --exec $DAEMON start-stop-daemon --start --oknodo --chdir $wDAEDIR --name $NAME.web --startas /bin/sh $wDAEDIR/ echo "[ $NAME ]" ;; stop) echo "Stopping $DESC: " start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo --exec $DAEMON start-stop-daemon --start --oknodo --chdir $wDAEDIR --name $NAME.web --startas /bin/sh $wDAEDIR/ echo "[ $NAME ]" ;; restart) echo "Restarting $DESC: " start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo --exec $DAEMON start-stop-daemon --start --oknodo --chdir $wDAEDIR --name $NAME.web --startas /bin/sh $wDAEDIR/ sleep 1 start-stop-daemon --start --oknodo --background --chdir $DAEDIR --exec $DAEMON start-stop-daemon --start --oknodo --chdir $wDAEDIR --name $NAME.web --startas /bin/sh $wDAEDIR/ echo "[ $NAME ]" ;; *) N=/etc/init.d/$NAME echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart}" >&2 exit 1 ;;esac exit 0</pre> * To enable the script to run on boot, do the following: install -m 755 flexraid /etc/init.d/ /sbin/chkconfig flexraid on /sbin/service flexraid start* To start/stop the service: service flexraid start service flexraid stop* To check service status: service flexraid status ===Post Install Questions===
* Does Greyhole need to be disabled?
* Does this work with LVM disks?
