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Added few details for diff-ing
as these may support more general settings in the future
(like a more general netmask, etc.)
== to change the contents of a file while installing an webapp ==
i.e. you would need this to edit configuration files for one-click installs in HDA.
for the examples i will use the (actually in development) configuration-file of the piwik-web-app.</small>
example source (empty example-config-file delivered by piwik package):
; <?php exit; ?> DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
; this file is just here for documentation purpose
; the config.ini.php is normally created during the installation process
; when this file is absent it triggers the Installation process
; the config.ini.php file contains information about the super user and the database access
login = yourSuLogin
password = yourSuPassword
email =
host = localhost
username = databaseLogin
password = datatabasePassword
dbname = databaseName
tables_prefix = piwik_
example goal (in the config file after this process):
; <?php exit; ?> DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
; file automatically generated during the piwik installation process (and updated later by some other plugins)
login = admin
password = 34131c9eef54abfe3aaed6fa275d01dd
email = admin@hda.@HDA_DOMAIN@
host = localhost
username = root
password = "hda"
dbname = piwik
adapter = PDO_MYSQL
port = 3306
tables_prefix = piwik_
What we have to do to achive this is to write a script. ;)
We need to get the differences between the files. For this we will use <small>diff</small>-command.
you got the files <small>orig.file</small> and <small>changed.file</small>.
Now we need to diff them! use the shell for this and type (inside that folder)
<small>diff -U orig.file changed.file > my.diff</small>
After you've done this, you got a file named <small>my.diff</small>.
Inside it you got the code which you need to add inside your inside script. :)
Have fun creating your apps. If you need something ask at IRC :)
