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3,149 bytes added ,  14:41, 20 June 2009
no edit summary
====Alternate Install Option====
After running the configuration, do the following:
* Modify conf/ Change port 7443 to 443
* Add the following lines to *-myadito.conf after ServerAlias and save:
redirect permanent / https://myadito:443
* Restart httpd
* Run ant start
* https://myadito or myadito will allow access
To create certificate used by Apache and Adito, accomplish the following:
*openssl genrsa -out server.key 1024
*openssl req -new -key server.key -x509 -days 1000 -out server.crt
*openssl pkcs12 -export -in server.crt -inkey server.key -out server.p12 -name "adito"
** Password required for PKCS12, must be at least 6 in length
* When doing adito config, import instead of creating a new cert.
** Set type to PKCS12
** Password will be one chosen above for cert
** Name or alias is adito
This will ensure apache and adito use the same cert. Not sure if type matters, X.509 or PKCS12.
* yum -y install ant mod_ssl java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel
* export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.6.0-openjdk
* create a webapp (myadito)
* cd /var/hda/web-apps/myadito
* chmod -R 777 .
* wget
* tar -xf adito-0.9.1-bin.tar.gz
* mv adito-0.9.1/ server/
* cd server/
* ant install
* run the configuration at http://hda:28080/
* do not configure https or 443 - try 7443 and http only
* once done: ant start
* the server should start - at http://hda:7443
* then try to make a proxy to it:
* in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/*-myadito.conf file, add:
ProxyPass / http://localhost:7443/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:7443/
* then service httpd restart
* that should work as http ONLY
for https traffic from the net to apache:
* yum install -y mod_ssl
* change port of the virtualhost to 443
options to play with:
SSLProxyEngine On
ProxyRemote https://myadito:443/ https://localhost:7443/
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost Off
ProxyPass / https://localhost:7443/
ProxyPassReverse / https://localhost:7443/
'''not all of them at the same time!!'''
* create a webapp (my-adito)
* cd to it (cd /var/hda/web-apps/my-adito/
Summary of Manual Installsome guide for f10: ---- == Summary of Manual Install == *'''Concept:''' Adito requires Apache Ant to install and root access. The intent is to find a way to patch the source and do everything at the user level. In order to make this a one-click install, the patch would include predefined admin and links pertinent to the Amahi HDA. *I did an actual install on a VirtualBox F10 32-bit VM with Amahi. As root, I did an install, activated the service, and logged in once to ensure everything worked(see Once finished, stopped the service and compared the install version with the original source version. Files that were different are listed below:
server/conf: default.keystore.jks
server/logs: wrapper.log
server/tmp: availableCipherSuites.txt
server/tmp: extensions ''(this is a directory of files)'' server/tmp: org ''(this is a directory of files)''
* I then made a patch with the different files and started a clean VM. I followed the steps below to do the installwithout Apache Ant, but still using root access:
yum -y install java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel
mv adito-0.9.1/ server/
cd server
wget ''(this is a zip file an archive of changed files between source and install)''
/var/hda/web-apps/myadito/server/install/platforms/linux/adito start
Once it started, I used FF and went to https://localhost. The service only runs for about 10 sec, then shuts down, so have to be quick. Once I got the'secure connection failed', I chose 'add exception.' I then did 'get certificate' and the 'confirm exception' button was greyed out. There was no certificate info available and I could not proceed. By this time, the service had also shut down. I do not know why it shuts down, but it could be related to the certificate problem. There is guidance on the Adito wiki ( which provides some direction on manually creating a certificate.
