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{{Code|hda-change-dns ipHDA1 ipHDA1}}
<u><b>Configuring Amahi HDA on SSL Port 443</b></u> (Needs Details)<br/>
Change HDA2 to listen on port 443
*OpenVPN ALS (formerly Adito)( on HDA2. This app has a convenience fee to install that it is well worth it. :-)<br/>
<u><b>Configuring OpenVPN ALS</b></u><br/>
<li>Web Forwards - Tunneled Web Apps
<li>Configure Shares. See for more details.<br/>
</ul><u><b>Router Configuration</b></u> (Needs Details)<br/>
This is the configurations under DD-WRT v.24-2
*Port Forwarding<br/>
To forward to HDA1: Port 80 TCP/UDP, Port 1192 UDP, Other Apps possible<br/>
To forward to HDA2: Port 443 TCP/UDP, Port 4443 TCP/UDP (for OpenVPN ALS) and other apps possible.
*Turn off DHCP in both HDAs. Allow DD-WRT to handle DHCP.<br/>,
Just change this the above to reflect your hostnames and IP addressess. (Note that ptr-record ips are backwards.)
<u><b>Cutting Down Confusion</b></u><br/>
