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Revision as of 20:30, 14 November 2009

Also, if you have ever had to go to your router, you should know the address. Its what you type in your browser to reach it (ie and, if not, you can find it with the following steps:

  • If Windows OS:

    • Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.

    • When Command Prompt is open, type the following command: ipconfig

    • You should see something like this:
   Windows IP Configuration

   LAN adapter Network Connection:
      Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
      Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe88::7d0d:8844:62d7:3155%10
      IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
      Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
      Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

The bottom line is what you need. In this example, it is

  • If Linux OS:

    • Depending on your Linux distrobution, it can be located in the menu items at the top, in this example, we will use Fedora. Click Applications > System Tools > Terminal.

    • When terminal is open, type the following command: ip route | grep default

    • The output of this should look something like the following:
    default via dev eth0  proto static

In this example, again, is your default gateway IP address.

  • If Mac OS:

    • In Mac OS you will need to open up terminal as well. Do do this, click Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal.app.

    • When Terminal.app is open, type the following command: ipconfig getpacket en1

      Where en1 is the adapter you are connected to, the default for wire (ethernet) is eth0, in my case, im connected through wireless adapter, so the default on my MacBook is en1 (late 2008 model).

    • This will output the following:
    op = BOOTREPLY
    htype = 1
    flags = 0
    hlen = 6
    hops = 0
    xid = xxxxxxxxx
    secs = 0
    ciaddr =
    yiaddr = 192.168.1.x
    siaddr =
    giaddr =
    chaddr = 0:00:0:0x:00:0x
    sname = 
    file = 
    Options count is 7
    dhcp_message_type (uint8): ACK 0x5
    server_identifier (ip):
    lease_time (uint32): 0x15180
    subnet_mask (ip):
    router (ip_mult): {}
    domain_name_server (ip_mult): {}
    end (none):[/code]

In this output, the part that shows router (ip_mult): {} where is the router IP or gateway IP.