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Revision as of 17:01, 4 November 2012

Use of script files provides many useful results. Below is a small collection that should enhance your command line experience.

Disk Space

​#!/bin/bash Black='\e[0;30m' Blue='\e[0;34m' Green='\e[0;32m' Cyan='\e[0;36m' Red='\e[0;31m' Purple='\e[0;35m' Brown='\e[0;33m' Light_Gray='\e[0;37m' Dark_Gray='\e[1;30m' Light_Blue='\e[1;34m' Light_Green='\e[1;32m' Light_Cyan='\e[1;36m' Light_Red='\e[1;31m' Light_Purple='\e[1;35m' Yellow='\e[1;33m' White='\e[1;37m' Blink='\033[5m' Bold='\033[1m' Underline='\033[4m' No_Color='\033[0m' TermSize=`tput cols` if [ $TermSize -gt "81" ]; then TermSize=81 fi function Print { # Disk I don't care about. if [ $DISK = "none" ] ​

System Info

bash code
​#!/bin/sh # Variables (server default) TEMP="0" # 0 for Farenheit, 1 for Celcius LOCCOD="95110" # Find your own LOCCOD (location code) at the end of # the url here: http://www.accuweather.com/rss-center.asp # If code has a space; replace with %20 # # Variables HOSTNAME=`hostname -f` IP_ADDRS=`ifconfig | grep 'inet addr' | grep -v '' | cut -f2 -d':' | awk '{print $1}'` IP_ADDRS=`echo $IP_ADDRS | sed 's/\n//g'` CPUS=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'` CPU_MHZ=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz | tail -n1 | awk '{print $4}'` CPU_TYPE=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep vendor_id | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $3}'` CPU_TYPE2=`uname -m` OS_NAME=`uname -s` OS_KERNEL=`uname -r` BOOT=`procinfo | grep Bootup | sed 's/Bootup: //g' | cut -f1-6 -d' '` UPTIME=`uptime |cut -d , -f 1 | cut -c 2-` PCIINFO=`lspci | cut -f3 -d':'` # Read and process .motd.conf file and set variables if [ -s "$HOME/.motd.conf" ] ; then file=`cat "$HOME/.motd.conf" | grep -Ev '^#' | grep -Ev '^$'` motd=`echo "$file" | grep -Ei '^motd=.+' | sed -e 's/motd=//i' -re 's/.*(0).*/\1/'` if [ "$motd" == "0" ] ; then process="0" usage="0" weather="0" else process=`echo "$file" | grep -Ei '^process=.+' | sed -e 's/process=//i' -re 's/.*(0).*/\1/'` usage= `echo "$file" | grep -Ei '^disk usage=.+' | sed -e 's/disk usage=//i' -re 's/.*(0).*/\1/'` weather=`echo "$file" | grep -Ei '^weather=.+' | sed -e 's/weather=//i' -re 's/.*(0).*/\1/'` TEMPu=` echo "$file" | grep -Ei '^TEMP=.+' | sed -e 's/TEMP=//i' -re 's/.*([01]).*/\1/'` LOCCODu=`echo "$file" | grep -Ei '^LOCCOD=.+' | sed -e 's/LOCCOD=//i' -re 's/["?](.+)["?]/\1/'` if [ $TEMPu != "" ] ; then TEMP="$TEMPu" fi if [ $LOCCODu != "" ] ; then LOCCOD="$LOCCODu" fi fi fi #print it out echo echo "\033[0;36mHostname : \033[0;37m$HOSTNAME" echo "\033[0;36mHost Address(es) : \033[0;37m$IP_ADDRS" echo "\033[0;36mOS Name : \033[0;37m$OS_NAME" echo "\033[0;36mKernel Version : \033[0;37m$OS_KERNEL" echo "\033[0;36mCPU Type : \033[0;37m$CPU_TYPE $CPU_TYPE2 $CPU_MHZ MHz" echo "\033[0;36mNumber of CPUs : \033[0;37m$CPUS" # Display Memory Stats if [ "$memory" != "0" ] ; then memory=`free -m` echo "\033[0;36mMemory MB........: \033[0;37m`echo "$memory" | grep 'Mem: ' \ | awk '{print "Ram used: "$3" free: "$4}'` `echo "$memory" | grep 'Swap: ' \ | awk '{print "Swap used: "$3" free: "$4}'`" fi # Display Usage of Home Directory if [ "$usage" != "0" ] ; then du -sh $HOME | awk '{print "\033[0;36mDisk Usage.......: \033[0;37mYou\47re using "$1"B in "$2}' fi # Display Processes if [ "$process" != "0" ] ; then # (The 2 at end of the next two lines can be used to subtract out any 'offset') psa=$((`ps -A h | wc -l`-2)) psu=$((`ps U $USER h | wc -l`-2)) verb="are" if [ "$psu" -lt "2" ] ; then if [ "$psu" -eq "0" ] ; then psu=None else verb="is" fi fi echo "\033[0;36mProcesses........: \033[0;37m$psu of the $psa running $verb yours." echo fi # Display SSH Logins; System Uptime; System Load if [ "$LogLoad" != "0" ] ; then LogLoad=`uptime` echo "\033[0;36mBootup : \033[0;37m$BOOT" # Display System Uptime echo $LogLoad | grep -Eo 'up .+ user' \ | sed -e 's/:/ hours /' -e 's/ min//' -re 's/^up\s+/\x1b[0;36mUptime...........:\x1b[0;37m /' \ | sed -re 's/,\s+[0-9]+ user$/ minutes/' -e 's/,//g' -e 's/00 minutes//' \ | sed -re 's/0([1-9] minutes)/\1/' -e 's/(1 hour)s/\1/' -e 's/(1 minute)s/\1/' # Display System Load echo $LogLoad | grep -Eo 'average: .+' \ | sed -e 's/average:/\x1b[0;36mLoad.............:\x1b[0;37m/' -e 's/,//g' \ | awk '{print $1, $2" (1 minute) "$3" (5 minutes) "$4" (15 minutes)"}' # Display SSH Logins echo $LogLoad | grep -Eo '[0-9]+ users?' \ | awk '{print "\033[0;36mSSH Logins.......: \033[0;37m"$1, $2" currently logged in."}' fi # last login lastlog -u $USER | tail -1 | awk '{print "\033[0;36mLast Login.......: \033[0;37m"$4, $5, $6, $7" from "$3}' # Display Weather if [ "$weather" != "0" ] ; then weather=`curl -s http://rss.accuweather.com/rss/liveweather_rss.asp\?TEMP\=${TEMP}\&locCode\=$LOCCOD \ | grep -E '<description>(Currently|High)' \ | sed -e 's/.*<description>\(.*\)/\1/' -e 's/\(.*\) &lt.*/\1/' -e 's/\(&#176;\)//'` if [ "`echo "$weather" | wc -l`" -eq "3" ] ; then echo echo "\033[0;35mWeather..........: \033[0;37m`echo "$weather" | head -1`" echo "\033[0;35mToday............: \033[0;37m`echo "$weather" | head -2 | tail -1`" echo "\033[0;35mTomorrow.........: \033[0;37m`echo "$weather" | tail -1`" fi fi echo​