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11,982 bytes added ,  23:52, 19 April 2015
*To access the HDA itself from <div style="border: 1px solid #B66; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; background-color: #FEE; margin: 3px 3px 1em 3px;">'''NOTICE: making anything visible outside the your network using VPNcan open security issues, so you are doing this at your own risk. Some apps are more secure than others, check out but there is nothing ultimately secure. Best is to use the [[AditoVPN]] application, available to install through the HDA. Adito enables you to access the HDA, and all applications and folders, using just your free webaddresslogin back home.
You To access the HDA itself from outside the network using VPN, check out the [[Adito|OpenVPN ALS]] application, available to install through the HDA. It enables you to access the HDA, and all applications and folders, using just your free webaddress.</div> So you want to run a web server in your Amahi server and make it visible from the web outside your home. = Requirements =For the purposes of this guide you need either of the following: * [[VNC]] access to your HDA if headless** ''Terminal is available under Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal''* SSH if headless and no VNC* A monitor if you are not headless
<div style="border: 1px solid #B66; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; background-color: #FEE; margin: 3px 3px 1em 3px;">
'''NOTICE: making anything visible outside your network can open security issues, so you are doing this at your own risk. Some apps are more secure than others, but there is nothing ultimately secure. Best is to use the [[VPN]] to login back home."
With that out of the way, to To host your own web site you need the following:
* Forward a port to your HDA ip address, either for plain insecure http: 80, for https, 443 (advanced users can use other ports). Some routers call this or require a "virtual server"
* Chose the app you want to make accessible outside, let's say, '''yourwebappname'''
= Hosting a single Webapp = What you need to do in a terminal (as root) is find for the apps conf file then edit the conf file for the app: su - su ls /etc/httpd/conf.d [enter password] :: '''NOTE:''' If you get a message like ''"ls : cannot access /etc/httpd/conf.d: No such file or directory"'', simply use the following to manually change directories: cd /etc/httpd/conf.d ls 
Find your app .conf file. It will look like 10##-yourwebappname.conf
nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/10##-yourwebappname.conf
nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/10##-:: '''yourwebappnameNOTE:'''Depending on the options you chose during installation, you may not have the "nano" text editor installed. If that is the case, you will receive an error message. Instead, substitute "vi" for "nano" to use a different text editor. [ Here are the commands to use the "vi" editor.conf]
Your conf file should look something like this at the top of the page:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName app
ServerAlias app.YourDomain.lan
Add this (immediately after the ServerName directive):
So it looks like this:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName app
ServerAlias app.YourDomain.lan
</VirtualHost></pre>You can add more server aliases if you want to access the app under those names(for example: ServerAlias Once you are satisfied with the server aliases, you may save and quit nano by following these steps in Windows:
ctrl X
Restart the server using:
* Fedora
systemctl restart httpd.service
* Ubuntu
sudo service apache2 reload
And you are done, enjoy your website.... or are you?
Some apps will work right out of the box so to speak with these steps. Others however, (such as mediawiki) will require additional work before you can visit them on the internet. You will need to edit the apps config file to change the server address of that app. We will use mediawiki as an example.
So suppose I have a domain name, which is pointed at my hda - and I set up a subdomain that for the mediawiki app. We'll call it
After installing media wiki, I need to go
sudo vi /var/hda/web-apps/mediawiki/html/LocalSettings.php
And scroll down to
## The protocol and server name to use in fully-qualified URLs
$wgServer <nowiki>=</nowiki> "http://mediawiki";
then change to
$wgServer <nowiki>=</nowiki> "http://mediawiki.myname. com";
then enter these commands:
sudo rm -r /etc/lock/apache2
sudo php /var/hda/web-apps/mediawiki/html/maintenance/Update.php
sudo service apache2 restart
Now you should be able to view from inside your network and on the internet as well.
= Hosting Multiple Webapps =
If you wish to have access to multiple webapps, described below is one way to accomplish this ('''NOTE:''' ''Requires a dnynamic DNS provider in addition to Amahi''):
# obtain a domain name (i.e., via --for example
# for each web app you wish to have access to, establish a CNAME or subdomain--for example point it to (for example see )
# edit the webapp .conf file (see above) to match the CNAME/subdomain you just established by adding ServerAlias
# don't forget to restart the server each time you edit a .conf file.
::For example, you could create the subdomain/CNAME: for the AddressBook webapp---point that subdomain to: the AddressBook .conf file add: ServerAlias the server---you are done, enjoy using multiple webapps!
Even if you have a dynamic IP address from your ISP, this can still be done - rather inexpensively. Some [ dynamic DNS] services, like DynDNS, allow for you to create a domain and use something called a [ wildcard DNS record]. This acts much like the subdomain created above, but you can literally use anything you want so long as the server is set to answer to the request. Below, we'll outline the basic steps needed to accomplish this.
Some routers (Netgear, Linksys, etc.) allow you to set up credentials for your dynamic DNS service account so that it'll update the dynamic DNS service for you. If you don't have that ability, you may have to run a client-side application on a computer inside your network which will send out regular updates to do the same thing. Figure out if you will be updating the dynamic DNS service via the router or a client-side app. Once you've confirmed you can utilize this technology, in one form or another, proceed with the rest of these basic steps.
# Obtain a ''paid'' DynDNS account.
## At the time of this writing, DynDNS is calling it their ''Pro'' account.
## Basic accounts will not allow you to use wildcards.
# In your Amahi's web-GUI, navigate to your [[Media:Amahi-webapps.PNG|Webapps]] section via '''Apps > Webapps''' (Ubuntu). The Amahi [ Web App] provides this functionality in Amahi 7.
# In our case, we'll be allowing our Dokuwiki to answer to our wildcard DNS record so expand it by clicking on it.
## This will show several options to edit but we're only going to add an '''alias'''.
### Click on '''New Alias'''.
### Enter your wildcard like what we have in our [[Media:Amahi-webapps-wiki-alias.PNG|example]].
#### If your DynDNS account is '''''', you'll enter something like ''''''. Again, DynDNS allows for wildcards so you can make up stuff all day long!
You should be able to test this by now however, it may prove difficult to accurately test it from inside your own network. In that case, bug your friend down the street to see if they can get to it or do it yourself at a later date.
'''For the curious:'''
So, what did this do? Well, what it did was add a [ ServerAlias] directive to the Apache configuration. (In MS-IIS, it's called a host header or a binding.) You can have as many ServerAlias' as you'd like. So, if you wanted to take a look under the hood, you would open a terminal window on your server (or SSH to it) and do a directory listing of '''/etc/httpd/conf.d/'''.
user@ubuntu-amahi1:~$ ls -l /etc/httpd/conf.d/
total 28
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21 Oct 10 18:46 00-init.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2231 Oct 10 18:46 01-platform.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 516 Oct 10 18:46 03-calendar.conf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nobody nogroup 518 Feb 1 09:20 1000-dokuwiki.conf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data users 492 Oct 10 21:14 1001-phpsysinfo.conf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data users 489 Oct 10 21:18 1002-subsonic.conf
In our case, when we installed the Dokuwiki app, it created '''1000-dokuwiki.conf'''. Open that and you'll see the ServerAlias that was added.
user@ubuntu-amahi1:~$ nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/1000-dokuwiki.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName dokuwiki
ServerAlias dokuwiki.home.local
DocumentRoot /var/hda/web-apps/dokuwiki/html
<Directory "/var/hda/web-apps/dokuwiki/html">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
AddHandler fcgid-script .fcg
AllowOverride FileInfo Limit Options Indexes
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ErrorLog /var/hda/web-apps/dokuwiki/logs/error_log
CustomLog /var/hda/web-apps/dokuwiki/logs/access_log combined env=!dontlog
You can see that adding that ServerAlias added the line: '''ServerAlias'''
= Hosting Webapps (Change Port)=
This is an alternate method for hosting single or multiple web apps using the builtin Amahi dynamic DNS (''''). This will likely work with other dynamic DNS providers.
You can change the port that most web apps operate, specifically port 80. You can use any port not already in use by the OS or your HDA. To verify what ports are already in use, do (as ''root'' user):
nmap -sT -O localhost
service httpd reloadOnce you have chosen the port to use, follow the steps below (using [ Adminer] as an example and port 8081):
And you are done, enjoy your website* Edit ''/etc/httpd/conf.d/####-adminer.conf'' and add the following line. Also change 80 to 8081 in the VirtualHost line: Listen 8081 <VirtualHost *:8081>* Update the ServerAlias: ServerAlias* Add right below ServerAlias to use the Amahi dynamic DNS: ServerAlias* Restart web server: systemctl restart httpd
If you wish Forward port 8081 on the router of course to have access to multiple webapps, described below is one way to accomplish this:1from outside the network. obtain a domain name (i.e., via --for example yourdomain.com2. for each web app Anytime you wish to have access tothe app on your network internally, establish a CNAME or subdomain--for example point it navigate to (for example see <nowiki></679 )3. edit the webapp .conf file to match the CNAME/subdomain you just established by adding ServerAlias something.yourdomain.com4. don't forget to restart the server each time you edit a .conf filenowiki>.
For example, you could create the subdomain/CNAME: for the AddressBook webapp---point that subdomain to'''NOTE: username''' '' net'' part of the AddressBook .conf file add: ServerAlias URL may be different depending on the server---domain you are done, enjoy using multiple webapps!use for your HDA.
To change the app back to using port 80, remove the ''Listen'' line and change the port to ''80'' in ''/etc/httpd/conf.d/####-adminer.conf''.  I would not recommend you try this with apps that do not use port 80. For example, an application that uses the web server proxy will most certianly not work with this method. =Hosting a Website = FAQs  ''Prerequisites'': The first order of business is to make sure that your domain name is pointing to your server's IP address. Each website is different, but [ GoDaddy] goes like this::* Go to your GoDaddy's ''My Account'' page. Under Dashboard, click** Point your cursor at the Nameserver icon, click ''Set Nameservers''::: [[File:Nameserverlink.jpg|caption]]:** Select ''I want to '''forward''' my domains'' and click OK::: [[File:forwarddomainname.jpg|frameless|caption]]:* Now go back to your account homepage, and instead of clicking, check it and click ''View in Domain Manager'' :** Click** Scroll down to '''DNS Manager''' and click ''Launch'' :::[[File:DNSmanagger.jpg|frameless|caption]]:** Under '''A(Host)''' edit the IP Address(es) to reflect the IP Address of your server. Hit enter and then ''Save Zone File'' when that option appears.:::[[File:ahostpointsto.jpg|frameless|caption]]:* The effects should appear within one hour ''Hosting'': Hosting a website on your HDA server is basically the same as hosting a webapp, so if we are able to do the previous guides on hosting a webapp(s) the rest will be a cinch. We will create the website by creating a webapp. This is a lot easier than it sounds, so don't give up just yet!# Got your HDA page (<nowiki>http://hda</nowiki> or <nowiki></nowiki>), click ''Setup'' and go to ''Settings''.## Make sure your ''Advanced Settings'' option is checked (if not, check and click OK past the warning)# Go to ''Apps'' and then ''Webapps'' (Amahi 6). The Amahi [ Web App] application provides this functionality in Amahi 7.# At the very bottom, click ''New Web App'' and type in a name like Website:This is where your webpage will reside in, you can name this anything you'd like. This is not the title of your website or webpage. Website will be used as the name for this guide :::[[File:newebapp.jpg|frameless|caption]]# Do everything as told under the "Hosting a single Webapp" heading above, but of course our app is called Website.:''Hint:'' Instead of using for your ServerAlias, go ahead and use ('''without the www.''') if you have one from, for example, GoDaddy.# To easily access your website files, we will make the webapp folder a share by doing the following::* In your HDA Dashboard, click ''Setup'' and then ''Shares'':* Click ''New Share'' at the very bottom:* We will name our share Website:** Notice that the path is automatically filled out for us. This is not the path that will be used, so the path that will be typed in will be ''/var/hda/web-apps/Website/'' :::[[File:newshare.jpg|frameless|caption]]:* Click ''Create this Share'', now the folder will be available from your normal \\hda spot.:** You can test your new website by creating an index.html (put something simple, like "hi", as a text) in the html folder in your Website share folder, and then going to And we are finished. To create your website on Fedora, we can use Bluefish program.: yum install bluefishIf we would like to use Windows, we can use any program to make the website. Just drag and drop into the share, and under the folders as needed. =More Secure Access = To enable https access to your apps, you can follow the techniques in [[Secure App Access]] page.  '''NOTE:''' Recommend exercising extreme caution with this tutorial as it has been known to cause problems. = FAQ =
* Q: Do i need to do anything for <code></code> to work?
this directory belongs to apache. you will have to change the
ownership to your user (recommended) or otherwise add things as root.
* Q: How do I change the ownership?
You can do this by going to the command screen:
chown {user} /var/hda/web-apps/
=Troubleshooting =
* Q: When I go to I get my router's homepage instead of my hda. How do I fix that?
If you see your router's page, that means the forwarding did not take place from the external port to the internal port in your HDA
* Q: I do not see the app I want when accessing
This may be because the corresponding virtualhost does not have the name you expect on it, or because another virtualhost already has it and happens to take over
= Related =
