Share Extra Parameters
The Extra Parameters option for Shares will appear if you enabled Advanced_Settings.
It can be used to add other parameters in your smb.conf for specific shares.
IMPORTANT: You can easily make Amahi generate INVALID samba configurations with this option - so use it very carefully!!
Recycle Bins
One example of what you can do with this option is adding recycle bins to your shares.
You can add a recycle bin by adding a line like this:
vfs objects = recycle
to the extra parameters of a share.
That enables the Recycle Bin module for that share. The first time a file is deleted, an (invisible) folder is created called
to the share and the files deleted start being put there. If your share is called Pictures, the way to find it's recycle bin is with
(if your home domain is ... or \\hda\Pictures\.recycle, if your client let's you use short names)