App Ports

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Various services and applications utilize ports to communicate. The purpose of this page is to list those.

Web Applications

Most Amahi web applications operate on port 80. Below is a list of those that use a different port:

Application Port
Cockpit 9090
CouchPotato 5050
DLNA 8200
Headphones 8181
HTPC Manager 8086
Jenkins 8080
Logitech Media Center 9000
Maraschino 8008
MediaTomb 50500
MLDonkey 4080
Monit Service Manager 2812
Netdata 9999
OpenRemote 8080
OpenVPN ALS 4443
Plex Media Server 32400
pyLoad 8000
Qbittorrent 8090
SABnzbd Plus 25915
Sick Beard 8081
Sonarr 8089
Subsonic 4040
SuperSync 5360
Shell In A Box 4200
Transmission 9091
Usermin 20000
Webmin 10000 / 10002
WebShell 9022
xdm 8085
ZNC 26244


Service Port
Secure Shell (SSH) 22
OpenVPN 1194
httpd (Apache) 80
MariaDB (MySQL) 3306
CUPS 631
Samba 139/445
VNC 5904/6004
dnsmasq 53
Monit 2812