From Amahi Wiki
- Download a CentOS 5 DVD iso from http://mirror.centos.org/centos/5/isos/
- Note: has to be dvd, they do not support LiveCD installs (you cannot install from their live cds.
Follow instructions just as you would with Fedora (except it will look like CentOS :)) (use Fedora repo (http://f*.amahi.org)
- If you use the above, it will add amahi.repo for yum and the repo will be f$releasever.amahi.org, and since CentOS 5 is based off of FC5, it reads it as f5.amahi.org, so nothing gets installed.
- To fix, do:
rpm -Uvh http://f10.amahi.org/noarch/hda-release-0.4-1.noarch.rpm
Then go into the yum repo list (/etc/yum.repo.d) and edit amahi.repo to read as the following: http://amahi.pastebin.com/f59c23d1a
- CentOS OpenVPN client is called "OpenSwan"
- Dependencies needed for "hdactl" listed http://amahi.pastebin.com/f6057c9ae