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Update Needed |
The contents of this page have become outdated or irrelevant. Please consider updating it. |
NOTE: Installing git is not necessary and the needed program files can be downloaded from the site as a zip file. No need to clone the repo and add further overhead to the HDA.
Headphones is a SABnzbd Plus add-on that automates your music downloading. You can import all your favorite artists from iTunes, and keep an eye out for any new albums they might be releasing.
It can be configured to work with a few search providers, including NZBMatrix, NZBs.org and Newznab servers.
- Movies: Couchpotato
- TV Shows: SickBeard
- Music: Headphones
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Headphones is still under heavy development and in alpha status. |
This guidance will instruct you how to get Headphones and add it to your HDA. Upon completion, you will have Headphones running, but not as a service since their is only a init.d script for Ubuntu users at this moment.
Amahi 6
One-Click Install (almost)
- The one-click install works for Amahi 6, with two exceptions.
- The app never registers on the Amahi Dashboard/Web Interface
- The app doesn't start at boot
- To make Headphones start at boot
- Make a Headphones startup script
bash code |
nano /etc/init.d/headphones
- ! /bin/sh
- Provides: Headphones application instance
- Required-Start: $all
- Required-Stop: $all
- Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
- Default-Stop: 0 1 6
- Short-Description: starts instance of Headphones
- Description: starts instance of Headphones using start-stop-daemon
- EDIT ME ##################
- path to app
- path to python bin
- startup args
DAEMON_OPTS="Headphones.py -q"
- script name
- app name
- user
- END EDIT ME ##################
test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
set -e
case "$1" in
echo "Starting $DESC"
start-stop-daemon -d $APP_PATH -c $RUN_AS --start --background --pidfile $PID_FILE --make-pidfile --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS
echo "Stopping $DESC"
start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile $PID_FILE
echo "Restarting $DESC"
start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile $PID_FILE
sleep 15
start-stop-daemon -d $APP_PATH -c $RUN_AS --start --background --pidfile $PID_FILE --make-pidfile --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS
echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
exit 1
exit 0
- Enable the Headphones service
bash code |
sudo chkconfig headphones on
Manual Method
These instructions are for an Ubuntu 12.04 setup, modification will be required for a Fedora install
- Create a new web app named "headphones" from the dashboard:
- It should be under Setup > Apps > Webapps (you need to have advanced settings enabled first)
- You may have to create the directory for the webapp by hand from the command line with
bash code |
mkdir -p /var/hda/web-apps/headphones/html /var/hda/web-apps/headphones/logs
- Install git-core in case you don't have it.
bash code |
sudo apt-get install git-core
- Issue the following commands to correct the html directory permissions
bash code |
sudo chown [username]:users /var/hda/web-apps/headphones/html chmod 775 /var/hda/web-apps/headphones/html
- Remember to replace [username] with your username
- Clone the git source from github to your web root directory (html) with
bash code |
git clone https://github.com/rembo10/headphones.git /var/hda/web-apps/headphones/html/
- Open and modify the included Ubuntu init.d script
bash code |
nano /var/hda/web-apps/headphones/html/init.ubuntu
- Change APP_PATH line to read APP_PATH=/var/hda/web-apps/headphones/html
- Ctrl + X then Y then Return to save and exit
- Copy the file to the appropriate location and tell ubuntu to use use the script
bash code |
sudo cp /var/hda/web-apps/headphones/html/init.ubuntu /etc/init.d/headphones sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/headphones sudo update-rc.d headphones defaults
Test it is working by issuing the following command and checking http://headphones:8181 in your browser
bash code |
sudo /etc/init.d/headphones start