Monit (Amahi's watchdog) is a utility for managing and monitoring processes, programs, files, directories and filesystems on a Unix system. It is integrated in Amahi and managed using the Servers section of the Settings tab.
Monit has an integrated web interface which can exposed using the Monit Service Manager one-click app. This app provides additional detail about the processes currently running on your HDA.
Monit configuration file locations:
- Main (monitrc):
- Ubuntu - /etc/monit
- Fedora - /etc
- Services:
- Ubuntu - /etc/monit/monit.d
- Fedora - /etc/monit.d
Change Hostname
Edit monitrc and change localhost.localdomain to match your system:
check system localhost.localdomain
Email Notifications
This will only work if you have set up your HDA to send emails. The Gmail as Relay tutorial is one option.
You can do it in Monit directly by adding the following to monitrc:
set mailserver port 587 username "MYUSER" password "MYPASSWORD" using tlsv1
NOTE: Replace "MYUSER" and "MYPASSWORD" with your Gmail user name and password.
Enable email notifications by editing monitrc and adding the following lines (Change as needed to match your system): set mailserver localhost set mail-format { from: monit@localhost } set alert root@localhost
Restart Monit:
- Ubuntu
sudo /etc/init.d/monit restart
- Fedora (root user)
systemctl restart monit.service
Change Message Format
Edit monitrc and add this text (modify as needed):
set mail-format { from: monit@localhost subject: [ $SERVICE ] $EVENT - $DATE message: This is an $ACTION: $DESCRIPTION [$SERVICE], tested remotely from $HOST }
Restart Monit:
- Ubuntu
sudo /etc/init.d/monit restart
- Fedora (root user)
systemctl restart monit.service
Change Access Credentials
Edit monitrc and change as desired:
allow admin:admin
Restart Monit:
- Ubuntu
sudo /etc/init.d/monit restart
- Fedora (root user)
systemctl restart monit.service
Enable Secure access (Fedora 19)
Edit monitrc and add below set httpd port 2812 and (line 116):
SSL ENABLE PEMFILE /var/certs/monit.pem
Create a directory for the certs, then follow "Create New Certificate" guidance:
mkdir -p /var/certs
Create New Certificate
A default certificate is installed by the Amahi application (Ubuntu). To create a new certificate, do the following steps as root user (Ubuntu NOTE: prefix commands with sudo
except the second openssl requires the actual root user environment sudo su -
cd /var/certs openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -config ./monit.cnf -out /var/certs \ /monit.pem -keyout /var/certs/monit.pem openssl gendh 512 >> /var/certs/monit.pem openssl x509 -subject -dates -fingerprint -noout -in /var/certs/monit.pem chmod 700 /var/certs/monit.pem
Restart Monit:
- Ubuntu
sudo /etc/init.d/monit restart
- Fedora 19 (root user)
systemctl restart monit.service
Configuration Examples
Monit Configuration Examples: Covers many common processes that users may want to monitor. Some minor changes may be needed for Fedora or Ubuntu.