ZNC is an IRC bounce with many advanced features such as a built-in web interface, persistent connection (detaching), multiple users, per channel playback buffer, SSL, IPv6, transparent DCC bouncing, and c++ module support, to name a few.
The application makes use of your HDA first admin user. To log in to the web interface, enter that user name and the password is admin. You can change the password once logged in to anything you desire.
Once the application is installed, you are automatically connected to the IRC for the server irc.freenode.net. This setting can be turned off via the web interface if you do not want to autoconnect when ZNC is started.
ZNC appears in the Servers tab so you can stop, start, and restart as needed.
SSL Configuration
To enable SSL support, some manual configuration must be done.
As root user, install one dependency:
Bash code
yum -y install mod_ssl
Change the line in /etc/httpd/conf.d/####-znc.conf to read (replace #### with the number in your file name):
bash code
RedirectPermanent / https://znc:26244
Restart the web server:
Bash code
service httpd restart
Modify the line in /home/username/.znc/config/znc.conf to read:
Listener4 = +26244
Restart ZNC:
Bash code
service znc restart
Access the web console via https://znc:26244
All connections with IRC clients will be SSL. When you add new servers, ensure you precede the port number with a +. The default server on install is already set for SSL communication.