Translate Amahi
Multiple languages and localization are supported Amahi for a while.
Please help with Amahi translations
We are currently in need of contributers to translate Amahi to your language.
Translation is really very easy using our online translation site and is the preferred way to make Amahi available in your language!
If you are interested in contributing get in touch with us at amahi org, via the forums or the irc channel, PM Jinxy, CPG or pjcrux
How to Translate Amahi offline
This method achieves the same goals, in a more "manual" way.
It involves converting a "master" english file (en.yml) to a file in your own language.
Here is the en.yml file set of sentences to translate (in a format called yml, ready for rails 2.3).
(that's formatted) the raw file is at raw en.yml
Basically what the translation consists of is this:
- duplicate the original file, change the name to something appropriate (e.g. de.yml for german, fr for french)
- change the strings after the colon to the end of the line for the new language.
That's it! you can do it by cut and paste or with git:
bash code |
git clone git:// cd amahi/platform/platform/html/config/locales cp en.yml yourlocale.yml [edit the yourlocale.yml file] git commit yourlocale.yml
For brownie points, you can also add those to
bash code |
To find the code of your language, please visit the iso codes page
Columns 6 is the name of the language *in the native language* (we need that) and column 1 is the ISO code
Please put them here in alphabetical order so that the user can more easily find his/hers!
Here is how to submit a patch directly with git or you can send your locale file by email or post it in the forums or amahi-devel list.
Translation Tips
We have some important translation tips that you must read before attempting translation. Sounds simple, but there are a few interesting wrinkles to it:
The translation team deserves huge credit for helping translate Amahi to so many languages and locales!
Special thanks go to our Translations Manager, TOny Jenkins (aka Jintxy)
Here they are, in alphabetical order:
- Arabian: Abdulrhman Al-Khamees
- Bulgarian: Plamen Martinov
- Danish: Niels Højdahl and Peter Tobler