GUI Install for Express Disc
The Amahi Express install does not install the graphical user interface gnome. This Guide instructs you on how to install the X Server as well as to make the X Server boot everytime. To install after Amahi Express has finished installing execute the following commands:
Become root:
bash code |
su -
Enter your password for the root user
bash code |
yum -y groupinstall "X Window System" "GNOME Desktop Environment"
For the users who want KDE
bash code |
yum -y groupinstall "X Windows System" "KDE"
Configure Your Display
You may also need to configure your display:
bash code |
Xorg :1 -configure
Note: If you get command not found, that means you have a newer version of X that does not require a config of the system, if that is the case please skip this step and the next and move on.
Then we need to move the new config file so Xorg can read it.
bash code |
cp /root/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Force the GUI on Boot
Next we need to make sure it boots into init 5. Run the following command to accomplish this:
bash code |
sed -i 's/id:3:initdefault:/id:5:initdefault:/g' /etc/inittab
You can either reboot or boot into the GNOME/KDE Desktop:
bash code |
You can remove the packages i.e.:
bash code |
yum groupremove "KDE"
Automatic Login
If you want a specified user to login (if you are using MythTV or some other app which requires the X Server) then please do so with these instructions.
The Amahi Team