The IRC Bot, AmahiBot is a Mathetes ( bot run by Brandon, AKA bk, that sits in the #amahi channel on IRC.
Don't be shy using it - the bot has no soul or emotions!
AmahiBot has a few interesting and useful functions.
Amahi Specific
Search by using the following command:
Amahibot: google amahi <search terms>
To call a wiki article do the following:
Amahibot: google amahi wiki <Article>
- or to search the wiki use the following command:
Amahibot: google amahi wiki <search terms>
To search the forums do the following:
Amahibot: google amahi forums <search terms>
You can call up bugs from the Amahi bug tracker by saying:
Amahibot: google amahi bugs BUG#
Or search for a bug by doing the following:
Amahibot: google amahi bugs <search terms>
Bugs are also posted automatically to the channel when they are created.
Any of the following commands will search Google and return the results + URLs.
Amahibot: google <define:|spell:> <search terms> <1+1> <1 cm in ft> <patent > <weather city|zip> <??? airport> <city,state/zip>
Amahibot: google images <search terms>
Amahibot: google groups <search terms>
You Tube
Amahibot: youtube me <search terms>
Use the following command to call the time:
Amahibot: time
Default time is in UTC
The bot can translate text for you if you need it, translate by doing the following:
Amahibot: google translate <current lang (ie. es)> <to lang (ie. en)> <text to translate>
And dont forget, leave us some feedback!