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Web KeePass is a free open source password manager to help you securely manage your passwords. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key file.

NOTE: This is a java-based application. Ensure you have Java installed on the machine you use to access your HDA. Click here to verify. Also, it will take a few minutes for Web KeePass to start, so please be patient.


If you reboot your server anytime after installing KeePass, the application does not start automatically on boot. In order to start it, enter the following in terminal as your normal user:

cd /var/hda/web-apps/keepass/html/

Give it a a minute or so before trying to access it with your web browser. An autostart mechanism is currently being developed.

NOTE: You can force KeePass to autostart on boot by adding the above line to /etc/rc.local as root user. Remember, when you uninstall the app, this line will have to be manually removed.

Web Browser Tip: