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2,490 bytes added ,  01:07, 25 March 2016
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<br />The [ CUPS] web application is currently in Testing for Amahi 7 or greater. This guide is incomplete, but when finished will add allow manual adding the cups printing system to a existing hda HDA installation. 
=== Initial system setup ===
#Check to see if cups is installed already. It quite often is if you installed gnome Gnome or any other programs that might have printer support. 
su -
rpm -qa |grep cups
If you see cups, then you don't need the next line.
yum -y install cups
=== Configure cups for remote access ===#Install links for local access to the Cups cups configuration website, or use whatever web browser you have if you have X installed.
yum -y install links
#Navigate to the Links configuration page links http://localhost:631 Quick cheatsheet for links:
Left and Right arrows go forward and backward on pages.
Up and Down arrows move from one link to another
SpaceBar goes down 1 page.
Enter is the same as clicking a link, or puts a check in a box.
links <nowiki>http://localhost:631</nowiki>
=== Once in links ===
#Hit down arrow until on "Administration" then hit enter
#Hit down until the checkbox next to Allow Remote Administration is highlit, then press enter
#Hit down until "Save Changes" or "change settings" is highlighted, and press enter
#When asked for username and password use "root" and "yourownHDApassword" which was set while installing your hda. It seems that only user "root" save changes.
#Press q to exit after changes are saved.
=== Creating the webapp ===
#Go to the apps on the dashboard and install Webapps if not installed already
#Open the HDA Webapps configuration page
#Create a new webapp named cups
=== Creating the Webapp Redirect ===
Edit the config-file using a editor like "nano". Perhaps you have to install it first:
su -
yum -y install nano
Now you can edit cups
su -
nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/*cups.conf
Go down to line 5, and add this:
ProxyPass / <nowiki>http://localhost:631/</nowiki>
ProxyPassReverse / <nowiki>http://localhost:631/</nowiki>
Press CTRL+X to exit and save.
== It should look like this ==
<pre> <VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName cups
ProxyPass / http://localhost:631/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:631/
DocumentRoot /var/hda/web-apps/cups/html
<Directory "/var/hda/web-apps/cups/html">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Require all granted
ErrorLog /var/hda/web-apps/cups/logs/error_log
CustomLog /var/hda/web-apps/cups/logs/access_log combined env=!d
=== Restart httpd ===
check that /var/hda/web-apps/cups/logs exists and is owned by apache:users
Then restart httpd.
systemctl restart httpd.service
=== Testing ===
Go to a system on your network, and try going to <nowiki>http://cups</nowiki>
If you have problems connecting to the CUPS web UI, it may be because your DNS Server is not set correctly. Try using IP address in your browser:
<nowiki>http://IP_ADDRESS:631</nowiki> (replace IP_ADDRESS with your HDA IP address)
