* If you use the above, it will add amahi.repo for yum and the repo will be f$releasever.amahi.org, and since CentOS 5 is based off of FC5, it reads it as f5.amahi.org, so nothing gets installed.
* To fix, do:
<code>rpm -Uvh http://f10.amahi.org/noarch/hda-release-0.4-1.noarch.rpm</code>
Then go into the yum repo list (/etc/yum.repo.d) and edit amahi.repo to read as the following: http://amahi.pastebin.com/f59c23d1a
* CentOS OpenVPN client is called "OpenSwan"
* Dependencies needed for "hdactl" listed http://amahi.pastebin.com/md425046f6057c9ae