NX is a technology for secure remote access - for example, you may want to run your Amahi Server headless (no monitor) and access a full graphical desktop environment on your server from another computer such as a Windows, Apple or Linux machine. NX provides both security and near local speed application responsiveness over high latency, low bandwidth links. The core libraries for NX are provided by NoMachine under the GPL. FreeNX is a GPL implementation of the NX Server and NX Client Components. More information can be found [http://freenx.berlios.de FreeNX project page] or [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NX_technology Wikipedia].
Second, run this command to install FreeNX:
{{Code| yum install freenx-server}}
That's it. FreeNX should now be installed and running on your HDA. In order to use FreeNX, you will need a client to connect with. Go to http://www.nomachine.com/download.php and select the one for your appropriate operating system.