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=Changing the location of your shares in PydioChange Shares Location=
By default, the Amahi Pydio app sets up "workspaces" (that is, file repositories which link to the default share location at <code>/var/hda/files/[share]</code>. You might have moved your shares from this location, if for example you use [[Greyhole]] and access your files through local shares at <code>/mnt/samba/[share]</code> (see [[Mount_Shares_Locally]]). Follow these steps to direct Pydio to the right location. If your shares are in a different location you will need to change the <code>/mnt/samba</code> locations below to suit your setup. Note that there is no way to navigate to the shares from the pydio UI, so you will need to make a note somewhere of the exact share locations.
==1. Find the right settingsDetermine Settings==
[[file:Pydio shares settings.png|thumb|The "Docs" share is highlighted]]
You can navigate to the Pydio settings from any page, using the dropdown box that appears when you mouseover your user name on the top right of the screen.
==2. Change the settingsSettings==
[[file:Pydio_sharelocation.png|thumb|Share file location - default location highlighted]]
Change the default location <code>/var/hda/files/[share]</code> to your desired location - for shares mounted locally use <code>/mnt/samba/[share]</code>.
