How to use two HDAs on the same network

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Make sure both HDA use different domain names.

You'll need to re-apply this fix on every update of hdactl.

You'll need to run the commands below on both your HDAs.

You'll need to edit named.patch before executing the patch command:
On your main HDA: replace with your second HDA domain name, and with your second HDA real IP address.
On your second HDA: replace with your main HDA domain name, and with you HDA real IP address.

As root user:

bash code
​wget -O named.patch patch -p0 < named.patch service hdactl restart​

The above instructions no longer work on current versions of Amahi

Here are the steps that I followed: (This may be very specific to my setup so take it as it is.)

A router that can hand out DNS. (DD-WRT .v24 with DNSMasq can handle that nicely.)
This assumes that Fedora 14 & Amahi are installed on both HDAs.
BE SURE that each HDA has a unique hostname (domain name) & IP address that is within your network.

Accessing HDAs Locally

You have to access BOTH the shares and the dashboard of each server by IP address of the HDA.

For example, "\\" in Window will get you to the shares on the HDA with that IP address, if you have established a user and password for that client. Also, in a web browser will take you to the dashboard of the HDA with that IP address.

I personally deleted all of the Amahi links on each HDA's Fedora desktop and created a launcher that opens the Amahi dashboard by IP address.

Change External DNS on HDA2
In order to prevent Domain Name Server conflict, you have to change the external DNS on one of the HDAs. On HDA2, change the external DNS to point to the IP address of HDA1. In terminal ...

bash code
​hda-change-dns ipHDA1 ipHDA1​

Apps You Need (Needs details)

Configuring OpenVPN ALS (Needs Details)

  1. to listen on port 443
  2. Web Forwards. Be sure URLs are entered as local area network addresses and then add ":port" if the app requires it.
  3. Configure Shares

See for more details.

Router Configuration (Needs Details)

  • Port Forwarding
  • DHCP Server Static Leases
  • Turn off DHCP in both HDAs. Allow DD-WRT to handle DHCP.
  • DO NOT turn off DNS on either HDA.
  • DD-WRT Dnsmasq config. The DNSMasq feature in DD-WRT allows you to direct DNS requests to the each of the DNS servers of the respective HDAs. This prevents one HDA from taking over DNS and preventing the other from using its DNS driven apps.

Cutting Down Confusion
If you want to avoid confusion as to which server dashboard you are working on at the moment, you could edit the Dashboard theme. Look in the Theme directory.

bash code

Using GIMP2 I added "HDA#1" to the "logo.png" right under the Amahi logo. Then I did the same to HDA#2.

-Places that "Need Details" I will edit more later.