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Installation in an existing Fedora machine

NOTE: this is NOT a recommended method to install, unless it's done on a fairly clean install of the distribution. The reason is that some things that may have been done to the machine that may affect the way the HDA behaves. In that case, issues may be harder to debug/fix. The recommended method is doing it from scratch.

Regardless, here are the install instructions, all of them executed as full root (either "su -" or logged in directly as root or as sudo):

Fedora 12

Install the Amahi release for Fedora 12

1. Install the hda-release

  • rpm -Uvh

2. Install hdactl (64 or 32bit)

  • 32bit - rpm -Uvh --nodeps
  • 64bit - rpm -Uvh --nodeps

3. Now install hda-platform

  • rpm -Uvh --nodeps

4. Install dependencies:

  • yum -y install rubygems ruby-libs ruby-mysql

5. Start the Amahi installer.

  • service amahi-installer start

6. And last but not least, get the installer going by accessing it with a browser:


Fedora 10

Install the Amahi release for Fedora 10

1. Install the hda-release

  • rpm -Uvh

2. Install hdactl (64 or 32bit)

  • 32bit - rpm -Uvh --nodeps
  • 64bit - rpm -Uvh --nodeps

3. Now install hda-suite

  • yum -y install hda-suite

4. And last but not least, install Amahi and answer "yes" to reboot.

  • hda-install YOURINSTALLCODE

Fedora 9

     yum -y install fedora-release
  • Install the Amahi release for Fedora 9
     rpm -Uvh
  • Then, also as full root (/usr/sbin/hda-install is not in the path otherwise), do this:
     yum -y install hda-suite
     hda-install -f YOURINSTALLCODE

In both cases,