=Setting Up up the OpenVPN client Under Ubuntu 10.04 = There is an issue in 10.04 where you put in the settings and after closing the dialogs, the edit dialog has all the certificate filenames replaced with directories from a folder and the custom port checkbox is now unchecked. The suggestion for Amahi Server 10.04 is to try moving those files into a different folder. (e.g. to the Downloads folder). Another folder name, such as "VPN," should probably work fine. If that still doesn't work, try removing the connection and re-do the whole sequence, except point the dialog to the ones in that new folder. =Setting up the OpenVPN client Under Ubuntu 9.10=
Not everyone feels comfortable working from the Linux CLI ('''C'''ommand '''L'''ine '''I'''nterface), and so the alternate set-up instructions for connecting to Amahi's OpenVPN service might seem a bit intimidating to some. Here is a step-by-step tutorial explaining how to get VPN ('''V'''irtual '''P'''rivate '''N'''etworking) running under a GUI ('''G'''raphical '''U'''ser '''I'''nterface) in Ubuntu 9.10, a distribution of Linux.