Amahi now includes the [ Personal Backup Appliance], or PBA, with the collaboration of the PBA leader, Roland Hui. Here is what the web interface looks like:
== Basic principle ==
* You boot the system to back up off the network == More == # Currently, we support SystemRescueCD. Download SystemRescueCD iso file and burn * The system boots the CD.PBA-included linux mini-distro Once you boot your machine with a SystemRescueCD live CD* You back up one driver or restore one drive, via the commands to start PBA are these: dhclient eth0 wget -q -O- http://pba/pba.tgz | tar -xzf - -C /root && sh pba/ pbanetwork
'''DO NOT RESTORE to the original media. Please TEST first and make sure the backup and restore works with your hardware!'''
= What to do, in 2 simple steps =