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==VM integration==
Your VM will be assigned a private network address by KVM. Normally its 192.168.22.X This address will be NATed by default to the network the host is attached to. In my case my host machine called KVM is on my network with my Amahi HDA as well as alot of other devices. I assigned KVM a static address in the Amahi control panel just because its a server. You don't have to if you don't want to. Whats cool is that the VM uses all the network information from the Host. This means that your new VM is effectivly on your network and will resolve all the home devices via the DNS server in Amahi. You can also create an alias in the Amahi networking panel so its possible to reach the VM from anyplace. It rounds things out nicely. This is especially usefull if you are running another Amahi HDA for development because the separation of the networks means that the dev HDA will not interfere with the normal workings of the "production" home network. I see this alot on IRC where guys are hesitant to test because it interferes with the their setup.