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That's it. Your new hard drive just increased your Greyhole storage pool capacity.
==Setup Disk Mount Order (OPTIONAL)==
The following will outline how to manually order your disks and mount drives automatically on boot.
1. First, get the UUID for each drive by opening a terminal and entering command
<div style="border: 1px solid #A3B1BF; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; background-color: #E6F2FF; margin: 3px 3px 1em 3px;"><pre>
gstreet@gstreet-MicroServer:~$ sudo blkid
[sudo] password for gstreet:
/dev/sda1: LABEL="Seagate-Alpha2TB" UUID="55d9333f-d801-425a-b2af-d65c5966d56f" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sdb1: LABEL="Seagate-Beta2TB" UUID="5bd5498f-30c1-4780-948e-ca46656507d2" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sdc1: LABEL="WD-Charlie2TB" UUID="a7337504-376a-4d36-9f7a-1a24c0f55fbd" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sdd1: LABEL="WD-Delta2TB" UUID="8d881dcb-8de3-4621-b9bd-00025196868a" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sde1: LABEL="root" UUID="4d6f8004-d190-4234-a03b-b68de988abf0" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sde3: LABEL="home" UUID="d0531fa1-9311-4d53-b838-f35898adbd98" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sde5: LABEL="swap" UUID="3c39206c-ba60-47ff-a1fe-f5821b2ab543" TYPE="swap"
In this case, the user has four data drives (sda1, sdb1, sdc1, sdd1) and the Operating system assigned to a fifth drive, sde.
Take note of the UUID's for each drive. Easiest to cut and paste UUID's straight from the terminal - no typo's!
2. Then edit /etc/fstab to mount each drive - for novices, easiest to do this using a graphical editor. You might consider first making a copy called fstab.bak (use the "save as" command, close file and then gedit the original fstab again) so that you can recover the original fstab file if you make mistakes.
<div style="border: 1px solid #A3B1BF; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; background-color: #E6F2FF; margin: 3px 3px 1em 3px;">
sudo gedit /etc/fstab
3. Then '''very carefully''' add the following line for each disk into the end of the fstab file. Make sure you paste in the right UUID, drive number and drive file system (ext4 in this case).
<div style="border: 1px solid #A3B1BF; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; background-color: #E6F2FF; margin: 3px 3px 1em 3px;">
UUID=55d9333f-d801-425a-b2af-d65c5966d56f /var/hda/files/drives/drive1 ext4 defaults 1 2
It should look something like the following when lines are added for each of the five drives in this example. Note lines beginning with # are comments where the remainder of the line is ignored)
<div style="border: 1px solid #A3B1BF; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; background-color: #E6F2FF; margin: 3px 3px 1em 3px;">
# Mounting Greyhole Drives for Drive Pool.
# Drive1 = Seagate-Alpha2TB in Microserver Bay 1 from left
UUID=55d9333f-d801-425a-b2af-d65c5966d56f /var/hda/files/drives/drive1 ext4 defaults 1 2
# Drive2 = Seagate-Beta2TB in Microserver Bay 2 from left
UUID=5bd5498f-30c1-4780-948e-ca46656507d2 /var/hda/files/drives/drive2 ext4 defaults 1 2
# Drive3 = WD-Charlie2TB in Microserver Bay 3 from left
UUID=a7337504-376a-4d36-9f7a-1a24c0f55fbd /var/hda/files/drives/drive3 ext4 defaults 1 2
# Drive4 = WD-Delta2TB in Microserver Bay 4 from left
UUID=8d881dcb-8de3-4621-b9bd-00025196868a /var/hda/files/drives/drive4 ext4 defaults 1 2
# Drive5 = 250GB OS Drive mounted in Optical Drive bay
UUID="4d6f8004-d190-4234-a03b-b68de988abf0 /var/hda/files/drives/drive5 ext4 defaults 1 2
Save the file and quit the editor. To see if that will work at boot time, try with:
<div style="border: 1px solid #A3B1BF; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; background-color: #E6F2FF; margin: 3px 3px 1em 3px;">
mount -a
If that gives you errors, there is a good chance that this line was not added properly and your machine may not reboot and get stuck mounting the drives!
Note that the hda-diskmount command had already added lines to mount my OS drive which had two partitions (root or /, and home). Save file and close.
4) Save file and reboot machine.
5) Check that drives have successfully mounted in Amahi hda (Setup - Shares - Storage Pool)
In this case, if all drives mounted successfully, it should look like:
