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:'''NOTE:''' There may be a '''WARNING''' indicating ''/var/hda/files/drives cannot be moved to a subdirectory of itself'' which should be ignored.
Unmount the new hard drive:
<div style="border: 1px solid #A3B1BF; padding: .5em 1em; background-color: #E6F2FF; margin: 3px 3px 1em 3px;">
nano /etc/fstab
</div><br />
Add the line to ''/etc/fstab'' provided in the ''hda-diskmount'' output in '''<span style="color: blue;">BLUE</span>''' and change the second value (path) to ''/var/hda/files''.
:EXAMPLE OUTPUT hda-diskmount output (Original):
<span style="color: blue;">UUID=547b073d-e591-4913-b4fb-7c5084353979 <strong>/var/hda/files/drives/drive1</strong> ext4 defaults 1 2</span>
:EXAMPLE OUTPUThda-diskmount output (Modified):
UUID=547b073d-e591-4913-b4fb-7c5084353979 <strong>/var/hda/files</strong> ext4 defaults 1 2
 '''NOTE:''' <u>DO NOT<EXAMPLE /u> change anything else from the '''<span style="color: blue;">BLUE<etc/span>''' line in the ''hda-diskmount'' output. :EXAMPLEfstab:
# /etc/fstab
UUID=ad85eeb9-18f0-4b85-9bfa-b88a5d1489b3 swap swap defaults 0 0
<span style="color:#0000FF">'''UUID=547b073d-e591-4913-b4fb-7c5084353979 /var/hda/files ext4 defaults 1 2'''</span>
Finally, execute the following:
<div style="border: 1px solid #A3B1BF; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; background-color: #E6F2FF; margin: 3px 3px 1em 3px;">
