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Amahi uses "Bind" for its DNS, and Bind looks to the file /etc/named.conf for DNS-related configurations. You'll see in there some stuff that Amahi is in control of (eg the "zone" used by your network, et ""). At the very bottom, you should see an include to "/etc/named.conf.local". This is where our magic will start. Basically, as su (or sudo) you need to open up this file and place an entry like this:
[code]{{Code|Code=zone "" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/";
allow-query {any;};
What this does is tell Bind that, for the domain "", you want to go to the file "/etc/bind/" to look up the configuration.
Right, now create the following folder: "/etc/bind/". In here, you can store all the config files for each "zone" you want to configure. Once you've done that, you can create the config file "/etc/bind/". The contents of this should be like this:
[code]{{Code|Code=$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA (
1 ; Serial
@ IN NS IN A[/code]
Here are some things to note about this:
