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13,927 bytes added ,  22:16, 27 August 2017
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Amahi supports one click install for different kind of apps. To add any app to amahi they have to be packaged properly. Each app might require a completely different environment to run and it might not be possible to provide that environment to every app because their can be dependnecy conflicts. For example some app might require php5 and some might require php7. We need a mechanism to address this concern such that we can add any app to Amahi irrespective of the technology stack that it might require or without version conflicts. Using containers is one way of addressing this problem.
==Important Terms==
Before going further in this document, understanding the following terms might be useful:
* [ What is a Container?]
* [ Image vs Container]
* -> Domain name of the amahi hda for all examples here
==Architecture Overview==
// TODO - Add image here
The idea of implementation is very similar to what is showing in the image above. Each app will run as a container. Each container will expose their own port/ports as can be seen as `exposed port` in the diagram above. We can map a host system port (`mapped port` in the diagram) to the `exposed port` in the container. And then using reverse proxy we can connect different subdomains to different container apps.
This has been explained in detail in the Design Document.
==How the app installation works?==
This section presents an overview of how installation works.
Assuming we have official container for an app available we can easily integrate them to amahi. If the official image is not available then we might have to build one of our own like I did for osticket and coppermine.
===Building Images===
Building images can be tricky and does require some knowledge of the apps as well (For example which php libraries to install, etc). There's a well defined procedure for building images for node and rails apps as well.
* [Dockerizing Node Apps](
* [Dockerizing Rails Apps](
Building images can be tricky and the image size is a very major issue. To reduce the image size I would suggest the readers to look up the following articles:
* [Reduce Docker Image Size](
* [Alpine Docker](
===Install Script===
Once the image is available we can write an install script. You can see below a sample install script for gitlab.
cat > docker-compose.yml << 'EOF'
image: 'gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest'
container_name: "APP_IDENTIFIER"
restart: unless-stopped
hostname: 'APP_HOSTNAME'
external_url 'http://APP_HOSTNAME:HOST_PORT'
gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port'] = 2224
- '2224:22'
- './srv/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab'
- './srv/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab'
- './srv/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab'
docker-compose up -d
This script creates a docker-compose.yml file and then runs `docker-compose up -d` command which essentially creates and runs the container.
The `yml` file can have different parameters. For that we might have to refer to docker and docker-compose documentation. `restart : unless-stopped` is used to handle failovers of containers. If a container crashes for some reaosn then it will restart automatically.
===Understanding the script===
Container script for each app will have these parameters for sure:
container-name: "APP_IDENTIFIER"
restart : unless-stopped
- 'HOST_PORT:xyz' # Not required for apps which are not webapp
# xyz = any port inside the container
# HOST_PORT is port on the host machine. Two different containers cannot have same value for
# HOST_PORT but can have the same value for xyz (Just to clear up the confusion about
Most of the configuration related to the container will be written in the docker-compose.yml file but some data we have to extract during run time like the HOST_PORT using which will reverse proxy to the container. HOST_PORT is 35000+app_id and has to be derived during app installation. Similarly APP_IDENTIFIER and APP_HOSTNAME are derived during runtime. The code below is used to put that data into install script during runtime.
#app/models/app.rb Line 322 to 326
install_script = installer.install_script
install_script = install_script.gsub(/HOST_PORT/, (
install_script = install_script.gsub(/WEBAPP_PATH/, webapp_path)
install_script = install_script.gsub(/APP_IDENTIFIER/, identifier)
install_script = install_script.gsub(/APP_HOSTNAME/, app_host)
Sample uninstall script
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm -f
# Not removing the image. Just stopping the container.
For most containers the above uninstallation script will work fine. This stops the running container and removes it. Please note that this doesn't delete any of the volumes attached (persistent storage. Please refer to docker documentatio for more details regarding volumes) with the container so if you add a volume during installation (as we have done in the gitlab example above) then we have to remove them here during uninstallation. For example if we were to remove gitlab completely along with all files that were added by gitlab container then the uninstall script would look something like this:
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm -f
rm -rf srv # Removing the srv folder which holds the persistent files for gitlab container
This behaviour might not be intended for all applications. Right now I haven't removed static files for any apps that I have added.
===Reverse Proxy===
====Why is it needed?====
Each app will be running insidea container and they will attach to some port/ports on the host machine. For example, imagine if you are running an app like gitlab in container. Gitlab might require different ports for different things. Inside the container different services can run on any port as containers run in an isolated environment and have their own network stack. But ultimately the services running on these containers have to be reachable from the outside world. To make that possible we have to bind a port inside the container with a host port.
Gitlab App - Inside Container - Web Server Running on port 80
We have to bind this with a port on host machine (our HDA). Let's assume we bind it to port 35001. Now typing in the browser will open gitlab website.
OSticket app - Inside Container - Web Server Running on port 9000
Let's bind this to port 35002 on host machine. Now typing in the browser will open osticket website.
As we can see that each of these apps web interface is accessible on different ports but we want to achieve a behaviour like: -> opens osticket which is running on -> opens gitlab which is running on
But the url end point should be the same, i.e and . To attain this behaviour we have to use Reverse Proxy.
For reverse proxy I have added a new app-container.conf file which can be seen below. The `APP_PORT` is changed during runtime.
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / http://localhost:APP_PORT/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:APP_PORT/
ErrorLog APP_ROOT_DIR/logs/error_log
CustomLog APP_ROOT_DIR/logs/access_log combined env=!dontlog
APP_PORT part is derived from the app id. After installation the app will have some id in the database base. The APP_PORT will be 35000+app_id
Please note that we can run any kind of app in container. It might be a headless app and it might be a webapp. In case of web applications we need to define an external port (mapped port on host - Refer to Architecture Overview section) through which the app will be bind. Then to reach that app we have to reverse proxy. "APP_PORT" is essentially that. For apps which don't require a web interface we might not use this file at all.
## How to add a new app?
Taking example of [Hydra](
See the usage as mentioned by the maintainer:
docker create --name=hydra \
-v <path to data>:/config \
-v <nzb download>:/downloads \
-e PGID=<gid> -e PUID=<uid> \
-e TZ=<timezone> \
-p 5075:5075 linuxserver/hydra
Convert the above to a docker-compose file. Ignore the `-e PGID=<gid> -e PUID=<uid>`, even though it's relevant, it is out of the scope of this discussion.
image: ''
container_name: "hydra"
restart: unless-stopped
- '5075:5075'
- './config:/config'
- './downloads:/downloads'
- '/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro'
# Understanding the volume mounts:
# ./config:/config -> As seen in the docker create commnad the -v command mentions the volumes.
# Path to data that we are providing is a relative path. Every installed app has a path in which the
# install script runs. So "config" and "downloads" folder will be created there in that path.
# /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -> This is to make sure that the container uses the same time as used
# by the host system. To avoid this mount we can also use
# environment:
# - TZ=<timezone>
# in the docker compose file
NOTE: Please note that adding apps might require knowledge about docker and docker-compose and discussing those is out of the scope of this documentation though the links mentioned below might be useful.
* [Container and Layers](
* [Docker Compose](
* [Restart Policies]( Apps run as containers which are managed by docker. If docker daemon is shut down or stopped then the app will also stop. If the container crashes for some reason then it has to be restarted. Using restart policies we can manage this.
Now once we are done with making a docker-compose file we can test it on our local system to see if it is working properly or not. Once that's done, we can go ahead and add this image to
For adding to some modifications have to be done. The final changes can be seen below. Notice the `APP_IDENTIFIER` and `HOST_PORT` (For more info on this refer to "Understandin the script" section)
image: ''
container_name: "APP_IDENTIFIER"
restart: unless-stopped
- 'HOST_PORT:5075'
- './config:/config'
- './downloads:/downloads'
- '/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro'
The final install and uninstall scripts to be added on will be
Install Script
cat > docker-compose.yml << 'EOF'
image: ''
container_name: "APP_IDENTIFIER"
restart: unless-stopped
- 'HOST_PORT:5075'
- './config:/config'
- './downloads:/downloads'
- '/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro'
docker-compose up -d
Uninstall Script
docker-compose stop
docker-comose rm -f
rm -rf config # Use this if you want all files to be removed after uninstall
rm -rf downloads # Use this if you want all files to be removed after uninstall
You should be careful about the following:
## Future Work
### Cleanup - too many images.
Presently when a containerised app is uninstalled the container is stopped and removed but the image used to run the container stays (Note the difference between container and image). I am not removing the image since images are generally large and what if users decides to reinstall the app? This has to be thought of more. Adding the feature of deleting image after installation is essentially 1 line of code. Going forward we might have to come up with a mechanism for clearing images which haven't been used for a long time.
### Reducing Download Size
We can't build and maintain containers for all apps. Vendors provide official containers but some of them are huge in size. To fix this problem we can reduce the download to that of a normal installation by using an apt-cache, gem server or npm server on hda itself.
The idea is following: Instead of we building images on our server we can push the Dockerfile to the client and the client can build the docker image. While building the image they will download the required packages, gem files, node dependencies or whatever. If we have a mechanism to cache this download so that all the subsequent builds can use this data then we can save a lot of Internet usage. One possible way of doing this was running apt-cache, gem server and npm server on the client itself.
### Updating apps
With containers updates can be really easy. We can support single click update of apps. It's just a matter of supporting them now.
### Support for advance configuration.
With containers we can limit the cpu/memory/disk usage of each app. We just have to modify the docker-compose.yml file for the app for these changes without doing any modification to the source code. If required, this can be used.
### Collecting Logs
It's a new feature, we will need to collect a lot of metrics from the users to understand how this feature is working and how it can be improved. Some of those features include
* The CPU info of systems which are running amahi.
* RAM and Storage information.
* Logs of containerised apps to debug errors.
