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489 bytes added ,  16:55, 3 April 2011
no edit summary
When being asked for a mysql root password, leave the password empty (actually you might get this question more than once).
Also I opted for automatically start hddtemp.
Then perform the following steps:
* get repo.tar.gz: ''' wget''' (location will change)
* untar it: '''tar xvf repo.tar.gz''''
* modify /etc/apt/sources.list. Add a line like: '''echo deb file:/root ./ >> /etc/apt/sources.list'''. The dir after file: should be the place where you unpacked the tarball (or if you generated the packages yourself where you issued the dpkg-scanpackages command)
* '''apt-get update'''
* '''apt-get install hda-platform'''
to be finished
* Install debian. If you install mysql do not give it a root password.
* on this system perform the following steps:
* install the needed development packages '''apt-get install build-essential devscripts debhelper fakeroot lintian git-core'''
* clone the amahi git repository: '''git clone git://
* and compress it: '''gzip Packages'''
You have now build your packages. You can install things like explained in the previous section, skipping the first two steps.       to be written
