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12 bytes added ,  20:40, 23 March 2011
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Someone in the forums posted this. I thought it was appropriate to include here for others. The package 'smartmontools' ( is already present and setup on my system but wasn't running. smartmontools is a free software package that can monitor S.M.A.R.T. attributes and run hard drive self-tests. Basically, S.M.A.R.T. may give you enough of a warning that you can safely backup all your data before your hard drive dies. Obviously, nothing replaces regular backups, but it's absolutely better than knowing nothing!
If it isn't installed on your system you can do that by using a terminal as root:
This an example from the config file:
'/dev/sda' is the drive you want to monitor
'-n standby' will not wake up the drive if it is 'sleeping' or in 'standby' to poll it for status
'-M test' send a single test email immediately upon smartd startup. This allows one to verify that email is delivered correctly.
'-m root' Send a warning email to the email address root (you can replace that with any email address provide you can send mail with your HDA)
You'll need a line like that for every drive in the server you want to monitor.
Recommend to check the man page for smartd to see all the available options. There are a lot of them....
