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'''Description''': Amahi 7.2 and Amahi 8 are what's next. This is the time to come up with exciting features and ideas that we should put in Amahi 8 and the GSOC timeline is a perfect match!
'''Objective''': Work closely with the core team to define the features and functionality that we need to implement to get Amahi 8 released. This project is about working on RoR and the Amahi platform core. Some of the core technology will need to be upgraded, like Rails 4, latest Phusion Passenger, possibly replace MySQL for the platform and use sqlite, create a native API to the platform that can be used by other apps, like mobile apps. Other ideas include beefing up security and provide support for Amahi hosting on the cloud.Features: * porting to rails 4* convert the front-end to bootstrap and make sure we can install bootstrap themes and have a consistent look and behavior* make it even more modular and cleaner (at the moment we still have some things that really belong in plugins but still are in controllers/views of the main app)* possibly using a new metal layer instead of passenger - especially ones that do not take a long time to reload, could be puma, i also like thin, maybe others* better initialization ... like a more standard (wordpress-like) initialization wizard (initially there are no users, we need to create an admin user and perhaps ask a few questions and integrate with
'''Skills Required''': RoR, ruby, JS, CSS, HTML5
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