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820 bytes removed ,  02:50, 16 October 2016
ln -s /var/lib/guacamole/guacamole.war /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/
== Configure Guacamole Amahi ==Create a directory for the configuration file. mkdir -p /etc/guacamole/ Create a file called "" in that directory vi /etc/guacamole/ Press the <i>i</i> key to begin inserting text into the file and include the following contents: # MySQL properties mysql-hostname: localhost mysql-port: 3306 mysql-database: guacdb mysql-username: guacdb mysql-password: guacdb # Additional settings mysql-default-max-connections-per-user: 0 mysql-default-max-group-connections-per-user: 0 If you use vi for creating this file, press the <i>Esc</i> key to get back in command mode and <i>:wq</i> to write the changes and quit vi. Now create a symbolic link of this file for Tomcat ln -s /etc/guacamole/ /usr/share/tomcat/.guacamole/ 
Create Symbolic links between guacamole in Tomcat and Amahi's web app directory
ln -s /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/guacamole/* /var/hda/web-apps/guacamole/html
