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added instruction to move openvpn to tcp from udp
* You cannot login two users simultaneously
* You cannot login to your network from another network with the exact same settings. You can probably reach your own HDA, but not other systems in the network, due to routing (the HDA has direct connection via the VPN tunnel).
* Check that you have port forwarded 1194 udp.
Edit by dizzy1:
If udp is not working because of shitty isps (see list below). Also you will have to change the port forward to tcp or tcp and udp instead of udp. Edit these two files:
Client side: (Windows)
- C:\Program Files (x86)\HDAConnect\config\HomeHDA.opvn
Right click the red A, click edit settings.
If you have a thing saying "HomeHDA > " then mouse over and click edit settings.
change "proto udp" to "proto tcp".
If for some reason the DDNS ( is not working but your control panel is updating, the add this line at the top of the config file.
"remote add_your_ip_here"
HDA side:
change "proto udp" to "proto tcp"
Restart both sides and you are now using openvpn over tcp.
And add your isp below.
List of bad isps:
-Bell Canada
-please add your isp if you need this.
