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Getting More Info

After the one click install of phpsysinfo in Amahi 6.0, you need to do some modifications to get all system information displayed.

open a terminal session and login as root or if you have sudo configured use sudo in front of all commands.


bash code
​ su -​

at the prompt enter your root password

then type

bash code
​yum install lm_sensors sensors-detect​

keep pressing enter for default answers.

bash code
​cd /var/hda/web-apps/phpsysinfo/html cp config.php config.php_bak​

to make a backup of your original config file

bash code
​nano config.php​

Change define('PSI_SENSOR_PROGRAM', ); to define('PSI_SENSOR_PROGRAM', 'LMsensors'); This tells phpsysinfo to use lm_sensors to obtain and display sensor information.

Other optional changes:

define('PSI_HIDE_MOUNTS', '/boot,/dev/shm'); - hides /boot and /dev/shm in mounted filesystems
define('PSI_HIDE_FS_TYPES', 'tmpfs'); -  hides tmpfs filesystems
define('PSI_HDD_TEMP', 'tcp'); - tells PSI to obtain current hdd temp 
define('PSI_LOAD_BAR', true); 
define('PSI_UPS_PROGRAM', 'Apcupsd'); -  use apcupsd to show APC info from APC UPS's

after saving config.php phpsysinfo will provide voltage, fan and temperature data.