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Plugins for the Amahi Platform

Plugins for the Amahi platform have been a neat but powerful feature that were a long time coming.

At the user level, plugins are installed like other apps from the Amahi app store. They are not a general purpose app, but rather a module that is added to the Amahi dashboard and setup areas for adding features. We have a few examples of plugins:

Technical Description

Plugins are really Ruby on Rails engines that are automatically mounted onto the Amahi platform via the installation of the corresponding app under which a plugin has been set up.


Plugins can automatically do "migrations", which are changes to the database structure of the platform. This is a little dangerous and should be done with care, but it's a really powerful feature.


It's recommended that you add a nice, zoomed-in screenshot and a neat logo for the plugin's app.

We have started to add a "badge" which is a small cube in Amahi colors. You can see how it's used in the logs of the Database Backups plugin logo.

Here is the plugins badge. It's a photoshop file, but it can be edited with Gimp as well.