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2,011 bytes added ,  02:03, 18 November 2010
Reverted edits by Acecydoxose (Talk) to last revision by Khelmar
This page is about making Amahi run as a Scanner Server.
''Your scanner must be supported by SANE for this to work.'' You can check compatibility here:
Due to the variety of scanners available in the market (standalone, as part of a printer or fax or multifunction systems), some may experience trouble with permissions.
== Preventing permissions issues ==
You MUST have your scanner plugged in to the server before installing the app!
After installing the app, there will be a file called in the app directory (by default, /var/hda/web-apps/scanner).
To run it, use the following commands after plugging in your scanner:
su -
(enter root password)
cd /var/hda/web-apps/scanner
Afterward, you can delete
The basic steps the script takes are below. If the script doesn't detect your server, or it detects the wrong one, you may need to take the steps below.
== Preventing permissions issues Older instructions ==
We want to make the scanner RW for a scanner group, that Apache is a member of and has access to. To do this, start by making a new group:<BR>
With the scanner plugged in, run the lsusb command. You'll get several lines like this:
Bus 001 002 Device 002003: ID 046d03f0:c00e Logitech, Inc. Optical Mouse5d11 Hewlett-Packard Photosmart C5200 series
Look for the one that looks like it's for your scanneror printer (if the scanner is built in, as is the case above for the all-in-one printer+scanner from HP), and write down the two numbers next to ID (in this case, if the mouse was actually a scanner, 046d 03f0 and c00e5d11). The left number is the vendor ID, and the right is the product ID. Another option is to look here: for your manufacturer and product.
AS ROOT, create a file called 15-scanner.rules in the /etc/udev/rules.d/ directory that contains exactly one line:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="<left number from lsusb>", ATTR{idProduct}=="<right number from lsusb>", ACTION=="add",NAME="bus/etcusb/udev$env{BUSNUM}/rules.d/file 15-$env{DEVNUM}", GROUP="scanner.rules",OPTIONS+="last_rule"
that contains:This tells the system "If this SPECIFIC USB device is plugged in, make it part of the scanner group with the default permissions (RW by owner and group), and stop processing rules.
SUBSYSTEM=="usb"Save the file, then: * restart the httpd service to pick up the group permissions, ATTR{idVendor}=="<left number from lsusbvia Apps ->"Servers or by hand as root with: service httpd restart* unplug and replug your scanner to pick up the settings That should be it. An alternate idea: a shell script at install, ATTR{idProduct}=="<right number from lsusb>to set up a rule for you.  if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then echo "Please, ACTION=="addtype root's password...",NAME= su -c "bus/usb/$env{BUSNUM}/0 $env{DEVNUM}", GROUP=@" exit fi  groupadd -r scanner usermod -a -G scanner apache usermod -a -G scanner",OPTIONS+="last_rule"root  lsusb
This tells echo "Please enter the system vendor ID of your scanner (number to the left of the colon):"If this SPECIFIC USB device is plugged in, make it part read vend_ID echo "Please enter the product ID of your scanner (number to the scanner group with right of the default permissions (RW by owner and groupcolon):" read product_ID echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ATTR{idVendor}==\""$vend_ID"\", ATTR{idProduct}==\""$product_ID'", ACTION="add",NAME="bus/usb/$env{BUSNUM}/$env\{DEVNUM\}", GROUP="scanner",OPTIONS+="last_rule"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/22_scanner.rules echo "Rules created! Please unplug and stop processing rulesreplug your scanner to finish."
Save Basically, this makes sure the filescript is running as root (and becomes root if not), lists the currently attached USB devices, and unplug asks for the vendor and replug your scannerproduct IDs. That should be itIt then pastes those into a rule that will work.
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