Scientific Linux

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Warning.png WARNING
This is only for developers, advanced users and testers. Do NOT use with data you would not mind losing!


Download a Scientific Linux 6.1 x86_64 DVD iso from: Or a Scientific Linux 6.1 i386 DVD iso from:

   Depending on your machines processor (32bit or 64bit)
       Note: These instructions are based on the x86_64 version. 

Install Scientific Linux 6.1 ( I did a minimal desktop installation )

   Enter the hostname you gave amahi i.e.
   Remember the root password.
   Reboot when requested.
   You will be asked to create a user, 
   then when asked 'Synchronize date and time over the internet', click in the box
   You may get a Kdump error, you can ignore this, click OK then Finish
   Login as the user you just created.
   Right click on the Network icon on the top bar (this is at the right).
   Then select 'Edit Connections'.
   Select 'wired', 'System eth0', then the 'IPv4' tab.
   Change the method to manual.
   Click on Add and enter the ipaddress you gave Amahi, press the tab key. 
   Click under 'Gateway' and enter your routes ipaddress.
   Add your ISP's nameservers and the search domain, this is usually unless you gave Amahi a different one.
   Click in the box (at the top) next to 'Connect automatically'
   Click on the 'Apply' button and enter root password when asked.
   Now open a terminal and change to the root user:
bash code
​su -​
   Enter root password
   Now we need to turn off Selinux
bash code
​nano /etc/sysconfig/selinux​
   Reboot to ensure everything is ok then update
   Again, as root in a terminal
bash code
​yum update​

   Once the system is updated, reboot again

You now to install a couple of repositories:

bash code
​yum -y install​

bash code
​yum -y install​

Now install a few packages:

bash code
​yum -y install ruby-libs php-mbstring ImageMagick perl-Authen-PAM openvpn pkcs11-helper fpaste ruby-RMagick rubygem-rack rubygem-fastthread libev rubygem-rack-test rubygem-sinatra mod_fcgid ruby-ldap rubygem-daemon_controller rubygem-passenger rubygem-passenger-native rubygem-passenger-native-libs mod_passenger bind​

Finally, we need to download and install a couple of packages:

bash code

bash code

bash code
​yum -y localinstall cadaver-0.23.3-1.fc13.x86_64.rpm​

bash code
​yum -y localinstall boost-random-1.44.0-8.fc14.x86_64.rpm​

Now you need to create an Amahi repo file:

bash code
​nano /etc/yum.repos.d/amahi.repo​

​[amahi] name=Amahi repository for Fedora 14 baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-amahi exclude=ruby,ruby-rdoc,ruby-irb,ruby-libs,ruby-ri,ruby-devel,rubygem-passenger-native-libs,mod_passenger,perl-Authen-PAM,rubygem-passenger,rubygem-passenger-native,dhcp,rubygem-rack-test,rubygem-sinatra​

When hda-suite is installed later, it overwrites the amahi.repo file, so we will install hda-release first then reset the repo file.

bash code
​yum -y install hda-release​

Once it installed recreate the amahi.repo file as above.

Edit /etc/issue and add 'Fedora' to the end of the top line.

bash code
​nano /etc/issue​

​Scientific Linux release 6.1 (Carbon) Fedora <--- Added here! Kernel \r on an \m​

There are a few problems with the DNS server. Create /etc/rndc.key

bash code
​rndc-confgen -a​

Change the owner of /etc/rndc.key

bash code
​chown named /etc/rndc.key​

Change the owner of /var/named.

bash code
​chown -R named:named /var/named​

Finally, restart the DNS server.

bash code
​service named restart​

Now install the Amahi packages:

bash code
​yum -y install hda-suite​

Unfortunately, to see and download apps, you computer has to use an alias.

bash code
​cp /etc/redhat-release /etc/redhat-release.orig​
bash code
​echo "Fedora release 14 (Laughlin)" > /etc/redhat-release​

Start the Amahi web installer:

bash code
​service amahi-installer start​

​ Goto: http://localhost:2000 to complete the install. You can get your Install Code by logging into and going to your control panel.

You can also install by going to http://your-hda-ipaddress:2000 from another PC but you will have to temporarily turn off the firewall:

bash code
​service iptables stop​

At the end you should have a working Amahi Hda server running on Scientific Linux 6.1; this has an E.O.L of Until at least 2017-11-11

I must point out that whilst this worked for me, it may not work for you, but I cannot see any reason why it would not.