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336 bytes added ,  18:38, 6 August 2013
== Connecting to a Server by Mounting your HDA ==
I was having trouble in Ubuntu accessing my network drives. I used "Connect to server..." under "Places" and I was able to access the files fine until I needed to access them in Firefox or other programs to upload them.
It was explained to me that it's being mounted via Nautilus and that's not truely "mounted" in the linux sense.
Here's the resolution.(for each boot into linux)
NOTE: you may need to install smbfs first with
'''==Permanent mount:'''==
Tested under Ubuntu 9.10, All the credit for this belongs to dmizer. I simply adapted to the hda. [ Original thread here]
In this example we will mount the hda's shared music on our desktop. It will appear as a drive.
Also Works fine under Fedora 14/15/16 as well, minus the Ubuntu-specific commands below (such as 'aptitude'). You may need to install samba and cifs utilities in Fedora. (May 28, 2012)
NOTE: you may need to install smbfs first with
'''//hda/Music /home/USERNAME/Music cifs credentials=/root.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,noserverino,gid=1000,uid=1000,nounix,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0'''
*Save the file when done adding any other share folders by hitting ctrl+x, type "y" to save the buffer, and <enter> to exit.
*be sure to replace USERNAME with your Ubuntu username.
*Repeat accordingly for Videos, Pictures etc.
Take a deep breath, and mounted drive should appear on your desktop.
'''On my system, the shutdown halted with a cifs/ vfs error.'''
