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609 bytes added ,  10:15, 2 January 2014
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ExecStart=/usr/bin/vncserver %i
ExecStop=/usr/bin/vncserver -kill %i
* Once the root config file vncserver@:1.service has been modified we next run the command
systemctl daemon-reload
= Password Setup =
* Set the VNC password for the user as defined in the vncserver@:1.service, this will create the .VNC folder for each user and place a file called passwd.
* From the example log into terminal as root and run the following command
* The following response will appear waiting for a password to be entered
* The following response will appear waiting to verify the password entered.
= Setup Desktop Environment Access =
* Modification of the ~/.vnc/xstartup will be required to match the chosen Desktop-Environment . At this point the xstartup file doesn't exist so we have two options.  For this example we need to login as root. * Create the xstartup file using the command below then copy/paste the required xstartup for the chosen desktop enviroment. nano ~/.vnc/xstartup  * As root Or we can use the commands below to start/stop the vncservice, this will create a backup of the existing default xstartup filewhich can then be modified. The service has to be stopped to allow the modification to work when restarted.  systemctl start vncserver@:1.service systemctl stop vncserver@:1.service * Below are xstartup scripts for the various desktop environments, if the xstartup was made via your favourite editor then simply cut/paste the script required else if using the default xstartup remove its context and again cut/paste required script.
cd ~/.vnc
mv xstartup xstartup.bak
nano xstartup
=== MATE-Desktop Environment ===
* As root, remove the context of the xstartup file and replace with the following.
mate-session &
* Once file has been modified run the following command  systemctl daemon-reload
=== KDE-Desktop Environment ===
startkde &
* Once file has been modified run the following command
systemctl daemon-reload
= Password Setup =
* Set the VNC password for the user as defined in the vncserver@:1.service
* From the example log into terminal as root and run the following command
* The following response will appear waiting for a password to be entered
* The following response will appear waiting to verify the password entered.
= Starting/Stopping TigerVNC Server Commands=
* The following commands will allow you to autostart and start the service.
