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70 bytes removed ,  02:09, 23 June 2020
{{MessageBox|backgroundcolor = #FBB|
image =Warning.png|
== How to Install ==
* [[Open Terminal as root|As '''root''' user]], get some of the 32-bit libraries needed:
{{Code| yum install glibc.i686}}
* Download the 32-bit Ubuntu .deb package from Tonido
{{Code|cd <nowiki>}} {{Link|insert download link for 32- and 64-bit}}.php?TonidoSetup_i686.deb</nowiki>
* Install ar:
{{Code| yum install ar}}
* Extract the contents of the Tonido .deb package:
{{Code|ar tar vx TonidoSetup_i686.deb}}
You will have a data.tar.gz file after this; install its contents:
{{Code| tar xzf data.tar.gz -C /tmp}}
* Now we need to get a bunch of missing dependencies which we can do with an Ubuntu install disc.
* Download Ubuntu 32-bit CD install image and burn it
* make a couple of directories under /mnt:
{{Code| mkdir /mnt/tmp mkdir /mnt/tmp2}}
* Insert the Ubuntu disc and mount it. You can either let it automount or in my case I did it explicitly:
{{Code| umount /dev/sr0 mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/tmp}}
* Go to the "casper" directory on the Ubuntu CD and mount filesystem.squashfs:
{{Code| mount /mnt/tmp/casper/filesystem.squashfs /mnt/tmp2 cd /usr/local/tonido}}
* Try to start Tonido with:
{{Code| ./ start}}
* It will fail. To see the missing dependency, use:
{{Code| cat /tmp/tonido_root.log}}
You'll see something like:
/usr/local/tonido//tonidoconsole: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory</pre>
* Find the missing dependency in the lib or usr/lib directory of the mounted Ubuntu squashfs. I would typically do something like:
{{Code| find /tmp2/lib /tmp2/usr/lib <nowiki>|</nowiki> grep}}
*Copy the file you find (and if it is a symlink, the file it links to) to the /usr/local/tonido directory
Try start Tonido again. Keep doing these last few steps (start, check for failure, copy missing dependencies) until instead of an error in the log you see:
* Create web app named '''tonido'''
* [[Open Terminal as root|As '''root''' user]] do the following:
{{Code| ll /etc/httpd/conf.d}}
* Edit the file below based on the previous command:
{{Code| vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/<nowiki>####</nowiki>-tonido.conf}}
* Add this after the ServerAlias line and save:
{{Text| RedirectPermanent / <nowiki>http://localhost:10001}}</nowiki>
* Restart the web server:
{{Code| service httpd restart}}
* You can now access it via http://tonido
[[Category: apps]]
