Translate Amahi

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Revision as of 01:46, 28 October 2009 by Cpg (talk | contribs)
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We plan to support localization in the upcoming transition to rails 2.3, which has localization support included.

For the time being, here is the en-US.yml file set of sentences to translate (in a format called yml, ready for rails 2.3).

(that's formatted) the raw file is at raw en.yml

Basically what the translation consists of is this

  • duplicate an original file, change the name to something appropriate (e.g. de.yml for german, fr for french)
  • change the strings after the colon to the end of the line for the new language.

That's it! you can do it by cut and paste or with git:

   git clone git://
   cd amahi/platform/platform/html/config/locales
   cp en.yml yourlocale.yml
   [edit the yourlocale.yml file]
   git commit yourlocale.yml

To find the code of your language, please visit the iso codes page Columns 6 is the name of the language *in the native language* (we need that) and column 1 is the ISO code

For brownie points, you can also add those to amahi/platform/platform/html/app/controllers/setup_controller.rb

Please put them here in alphabetical order so that the user can more easily find his/hers!

Here is how to submit a patch directly with git or you can send your locale file by email or post it in the forums or amahi-devel list.

Here is the original localization thread in the forums.