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12 bytes added ,  22:06, 8 July 2014
5. Next, we need to make sure that the cronjob that automatically loads torrents from the torrents share uses the same user authentification.
* (Amahi 6 ONLY) Edit '''/etc/cron.d/amahi-transmission-watch ''' and change the following:
*/5 * * * * transmission transmission-remote localhost:9091 -a /var/hda/files/torrents/*.torrent && rm -f /var/hda/files/torrents/*.torrent
*/5 * * * * transmission transmission-remote localhost:9091 --auth [username]:[password] -a /var/hda/files/torrents/*.torrent && rm -f /var/hda/files/torrents/*.torrent
* (Amahi 7 ONLY) Edit '''/usr/share/transmission/ ''' and change the following:
/usr/bin/transmission-remote localhost:9091 -a "$file"
