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63 bytes added ,  01:28, 23 November 2010
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# Installation of dependencies
yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin-1 fuse-libs fuse xdg-utils
# Download the latest version of wuala
wget <nowiki></nowiki>
# Untar it as root is /usr/local
cd /usr/local
tar xvfz wuala.tar.gz
This will create a directory wuala.
# Manually start the program (make sure you have an account with them first)
/usr/local/wuala/wuala -basepath /usr/local/wuala login YourUserName YourPassword
if all goes well you have started the program successfully and can test it
/usr/local/wuala --help
/usr/local/wuala/wuala showStatus -> will tell you if you are online
/usr/local/wuala/wuala showSettings -> will show your settings
# Start Wuala as a service
I found a little init.d script that sort of work but it is not perfect. For example I can't seem to make it work with service so that it starts at bootupor show that status is started. So if someone can fix it it would be great. Copy the code below in file called wuala in /etc/init.d and make it executable
# chkconfig: 235 99 10
