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1,368 bytes removed ,  23:31, 25 November 2010
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One file that can easily make or break your video, is /etc/X11/xorg.conf and one of the most common things to have to edit is the vertical refresh, or the resolution lines. for instance my tv doesn't like 1600x1200, and every time I did this how-to on this particular pc, I had to remove the 1600x1200 from the xorg.conf before it would work right, but this is not going to happen to everyone.
== Janjacobs how-to ==
Janjacobs wrote this a while before I made mine.
XBMC by default has no rpm's, and compiling doesnt work due to some error in the python library.
however, someone was kind enough to compile working rpm's out of the SVN branch, making XBMC a nice piece of quality software to add to your HDA expirience.
===Installing the required repository's===
First, we have to create 2 files:
the contents of this file should be:<br>
name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - SpotNet<br>
the contents of this file should be:<br>
name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - ATrpms<br>
*run yum update to have yum update its packages lists.
===Installing XBMC===
To install XBMC we open up a terminal, su to root and execute the following command:
yum install xbmc xbmc-skin-*
This should install xbmc, its required dependencies, and all the skins currently available in the main package!
once you're done, XBMC is located inside the GNOME Menu, and you can start adding files to your library
[[User:Janjacobs|janjacobs]] 20:08, 12 December 2009 (UTC)
